HISTORIC DAY: Thousands of Trump supporters carry pro-Trump signs and American flags Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — A group of Vermonters on Wednesday witnessed the historic “Save America” rally and subsequent storming of the U.S. Capitol, as a rogue mob breached building security and forced Congress to shut down temporarily, delaying election certification until late in the evening.
The group, led by Ron Lawrence, chair of the Essex Republicans, and Ellie Martin of Underhill, took a bus from South Burlington to the nation’s capital Tuesday, Jan. 5. Upon arrival Wednesday, they joined hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters who heard the president speak at The Elipse, the park south of the White House, before heading over to the Capitol Building.
Vermonter Steve Bellows told TNR by phone that all green space around the Washington Monument was full by 10 a.m., when warm-up speakers Donald Trump Jr. and brother Eric Trump began addressing the large crowd.
“As far as you could see it was just people down every street,” he said. “The chanting was so loud.”
When the president took the stage around noon, he refused to concede the election to Joe Biden and began discussing large batches of illegal and potentially fraudulent ballots in the states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia and other states.
“This year they rigged an election. They rigged it like they’ve never rigged an election before,” Trump said.
“States want to re-vote, the states got defrauded. … Now they want to re-certify — they want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to re-certify,” he added.
The president seemingly referenced a Jan. 4 letter to Congress from Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tem Jake Corman, on behalf of the entire state Senate, urging a delay in certification due to “numerous unlawful violations” by the Pennsylvania governor, secretary of state, and state Supreme Court.
“We ask that you delay certification of the Electoral College to allow due process as we pursue election integrity in our Commonwealth,” that letter read.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021
“[In Pennsylvania] you had 205,000 more votes than you had voters,” Trump said. “ … This is a mathematical impossibility, unless you say it’s a total fraud.” He added that over 8,000 ballots in Pennsylvania were cast by people whose names and dates of birth match Pennsylvanians who died prior to 2020.
His litany of concerns with the election in Pennsylvania included more than 14,000 votes cast by out-of-state voters, more than 10,000 votes counted though received after Election Day, 60,000 mail-in votes marked as received back prior to the date on which they were mailed to voters, and 25,000 ballots “requested by nursing home residents in a single giant batch, indicating an enormous illegal ballot harvesting operation.”
As seen in the video, the president went on to cite deeply troubling issues in Georgia, Wisconsin and other states.
Following the speech, crowds began making their way to the Capitol Building, where, according to Bellows, some Trump supporters had been hit with tear gas and rubber bullets by armored police.
“The police after about an hour finally retreated up the stairs, the Capitol front stairs were breached, and everybody started running up the stairs and took over the whole front of the building,” Bellows told TNR.
“If you went around the other side of the Capitol Building that is not facing the monument, there were probably 50,000 people out there all over the building. And when we got up to the side where the monument was, there was a huge group of people pounding and breaking down the door, climbing up the sides of the walls. Some people were trying to break glass, and other people were telling them not to.”
Inside the Capitol things turned deadly. Capitol Police shot and killed unarmed 14-year Air Force veteran Ashli Babbit, of San Diego. Three other protesters died of “medical emergencies,” including one heart attack.
Bellows said he heard different theories of what was behind the group of rioters, including the possibility that Antifa activists or Proud Boys members incited the violence.
“It’s really hard to tell right now because everything happed so fast,” he said.
Capitol Police on Thursday faced severe criticism for failure to manage the crowds and secure the building. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on the Capitol Police chief to resign over the breakdown in law enforcement.
“They couldn’t have stopped us from whatever we wanted to do,” Bellows said. “I think they realized that the people have the power.”
CORRECTION: The number of Vermonters who made the bus trip was 51. The original headline incorrectly reported that 55 passengers rode the bus together.
Michael Bielawski is a reporter for True North. Send him news tips at bielawski82@yahoo.com and follow him on Twitter @TrueNorthMikeB.
Non-Clickbait Alert: Emerging Truth Edition – Eight-Video Lying-Eyes Version
— BIZARRE VIDEO Shows Police Officer Directing “Lethargic” Leader of Small Mob, Dressed In All Black, To Senate Chambers…Why??
“Who were these people, all dressed in black that were breaking the Capitol windows as Trump supporters demanded they stop?”
By Patty McMurray Published January 8, 2021 at 3:24pm 419 Comments
No Wonder They’re FREAKED! New Video and Photos Show Half a Million at “Stop the Steal” Rally and Then TENS OF THOUSANDS of Patriots Surrounding US Capitol
By Jim Hoft Published January 8, 2021 at 4:20pm 500 Comments
Re: “A group of Vermonters on Wednesday witnessed the historic “Save America” rally and subsequent storming of the U.S. Capitol, as a rogue mob breached building security and forced Congress to shut down…”.
Interesting spin Mr.Bielawski. I can appreciate TNR when it stands up to MSM bias, but when it spins stories in the opposite direction to placate raging click-bait fanatics, TNR does no service to solving the problem America is in.
Let me clear about two things. First, the “historic” part of this incident was NOT the “Save America” rally. That was a sad assembly of folks who’ve been too long duped by conspiracy theorists egged on by our President. They, and he, cannot accept explicit conclusions by over sixty courts at all levels, dozens of Republican Secretaries of State and vote monitoring town and district clerks, the Republican US Attorney General, the Republican Director of Homeland Security, the Republican Majority Leader in the US Senate and even FOX News: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF WIDESPREAD FRAUD AND THE ELECTION WAS NOT STOLEN. The only way to believe otherwise is to cling desperately to conspiracy theorists and/or people with agendas for chaos.
And with rally goers already primed with commitment to those false narratives, what happened when they got there? They assaulted the Capitol after the President, Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump Jr. spoke to them. The worst part of that was the President’s own contention that Mike Pence had the Constitutional power to reject elector certificates sent by the respective states. (I pause to note that two commenters on these pages, Mark Shepard and Bob Orleck, made the same argument.) There is only one sentence in the US Constitution that enables Mike Pence to do anything with respect to elector certificates, and one does not need a law or English degree to interpret it. Article II, §1 reads in pertinent part: [Mike Pence] “shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates…”. That’s the extent of his authority. Open all ballots in view of the Senate and House. Period. Yet the President, and Messr’s Shepard and Orleck, planted the seed with these rally goers that Pence could reject certificates and thus secure him the election. Trump, Shepard and Orleck were actually arguing that Pence could usurp the Constitution. (I thank God, for the benefit of the Republican Party, that Mike Pence chose the Constitution over his friendship with the President.) Is there any doubt rally goers, probably none of them having paused to consider Article II, §1, were now primed to fix things as they believed proper?
Which brings me to your second spin, Mr. Bielawski: the contention that Capital storm troopers were some “rogue mob.” Let me first suggest this is the only part of that rally that was “historic,” but not in a good or prideful way. More importantly, any contention that this group was ANTIFA, BLM or some sneaky, poisonous group bent on embarrassing stalwart supporters of the President is utter nonsense.
Your even raising that as a “possibility,” in an attempt to give credence to the thoughts of third party speculators like Mr. Bellows, will now be the seed to start another conspiracy theory. That’s already started, as evidenced by emails I’m receiving from constituents who continue to hope there is a magical pill that will re-elect the President. Let’s be honest. You’ve never interviewed the members of ANTIFA or any such group who have confessed to being the instigators. I don’t believe you have interviewed the clown with his feet up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk, the guys who broke the windows around the Capital, the fools who broke down the doors of the House and Senate, or the idiot waving a Confederate flag under the portrait of Vermont’s Senator Justin Morrill. But other news agencies have, and all of them are identified as “Save America” rally goers who support the President, not ANTIFA members.
In short, you have no factual evidence to support this hypothesis. What you simply have is speculation and suspicion- the lethal combination that led to the death of five Americans and the trashing of the world’s shining citadel of liberty and freedom.
Oh, and you also have the support of those raging, click-bait fanatics who prefer conspiracy theories to plain facts on the ground. You’ll know who they are, as I have no doubt they’ll be responding to this comment.
Re: “Oh, and you also have the support of those raging, click-bait fanatics who prefer conspiracy theories to plain facts on the ground. You’ll know who they are, as I have no doubt they’ll be responding to this comment.”
You’re right Mr. Benning. Here I am. Your ‘conspiracy theorist’. Let’s have at it.
Re: “…the opposite direction to placate raging click-bait fanatics”.
Do you mean the opposite direction to placate YOUR raging click-bait fanaticism? We can all call each other names. You know, the typical political ploy of the ad hominem attack, right out of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.
Re: “primed with commitment to those false narratives,”
And what false narratives would those be? That these so-called ‘click-bait fanatics’ care only about the ‘outcome’ of the election as opposed to the ‘PROCESS’? What are we to say when the 60 plus complaints filed in the courts, supported by hundreds of sworn affidavits, never reach the level of material discovery and cross-examination in trial?
What are we to say when the election rules set forth by State legislatures, as specified in the U.S. Constitution, are circumvented by Governors, State Secretaries of State, and Judges who dismiss these claims based on technicalities such as lack of standing, insufficient evidence, and time limitations? Let’s talk specifically about what happened in Pennsylvania.
And then, let’s discuss the SCOTUS decision not to hear the Texas complaint against those other swing states because ‘Texas lacked standing’. Lacked standing? Really? Have you read the Constitution? Do you know what ‘original jurisdiction’ means, as established in Article III, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution? Or is that a conspiracy theory too?
Let’s just start there. Then, indeed, we can get into whether or not YOU have “ever interviewed the members of ANTIFA or any such group who have confessed to being the instigators”.
Perhaps you might consider interviewing the antifa/BLM protestor, John Sullivan, the anti-Trump founder of Utah-based Insurgence USA, who was arrested during the DC riots, who said he entered the Capitol Building Wednesday alongside a mob of pro-Trump protesters, but he said he was just there to “document.” Right.
Can’t wait to hear from you, Mr. Benning. Make my day.
Hear, hear! Highly likely Benning was encouraged to comment here by Chairman Phil.
Check out his response to me on questioning of Molly Gray for eligibility. He’s not only a traitor, liar, he is also a coward. They all knew Ms. Gray was ineligible to hold office. ALL OF THEM! But she’s was the chosen one from the group.
And people give me hard time for razzing our VT GOP…..I stand by it. With people like this we don’t need any enemies, we’ve gotem’ in our own party. You can put Deb Billado on that list now too. She was no better in her response.
Notice how many turned on the country and the constitution in the last 2 DAYS??????
I guess there must be another Joe Benning, this isn’t the one I know.
The Trumpers were in cheerful colors, Those climbing the walls, smashing the windows
were clearly wearing the all black uniforms and backpacks of Antifa, and BLM, unmistakeable!!
Presuming that Trump would trash his own rally – is truly absurd
Supposedly, you say, there were no Left wingers, Antifa, BLM or otherwise!
Why would Antifa and BLM NOT come to raise hell on the Trumpers???!
Then why would anyone trash their own rally. That is truly a Conspiracy Theory!!
Once the rioting outsiders started, the TV cameras ignored the peaceful Republican
supporters, since only evil deserves “the news”. TV left the peaceful Crowd
for the damages and fistfights – ignoring the peaceful Republican Crowds.
Unless FOX news is now considered MSM, try examining this from a different perspective:
Or you can try this clip, which more directly answers what evidence is known to date:
You need to look at the real journalists, amazingpolly.net, and dr mercola, thehighwire.com, thecorbettreport.com for starters. Never expect truth from MSM. They all lied to cover up 9/11 and never asked the obvious questions. They lied about Covid. Tucker has a modicum but avoids the hardest questions. PS the fix is in for the next pandemic its called Spars. I think its supposed to come out in 2025 or so. You can look it up too. I am smart enough to use my dog’s name; this environment of witch hunting is on you Benning. TNR ( I wish you had an edit button so I could fix my passion into some grammatical sense)
You sir are not only a traitor, but an abject coward. Below is some correspondance between myself, you and the reporter of the Granite Grok.
Although I certainly had initial reaction, I must confess I’ve never done the legal research necessary to answer your question. On the surface it seems to me that any legal challenge to Gray’s occupying the seat would have to come from someone with “standing” to make the argument. I had that conversation with Senators Tim Ashe and Deb Ingram during the primary. I also had that conversation with Scott Milne during the general. It seemed to me that each of them, in their respective positions during each election, had standing to seek a court’s declaratory action. None of them decided to follow through, and each had their various reasons.
At this point the only remaining entity with any standing (at least that comes from a position of strength) is the VTGOP. I’m not sure of the party’s willingness to pursue it, and for that answer you’d have to speak with Deb Billado. My suspicion is that Ashe, Ingram and Milne decided to forgo pursuit of this issue because they had thoroughly vetted the question and decided it was not worth pursuing. I would have a hard time believing each of them did NOT do whatever homework was necessary to put the pieces together of where she factually resided and what the definition of that would be in court precedent.
On the other hand, I was not party to those decisions. Whether any particular citizen of Vermont could convince a court that they had standing to bring a declaratory judgment I could not say. I’m only pointing out that the three candidates who opposed her, and likely the party that opposed her, would have the strongest position in that regard.
Since I have to work with her in the event such a suit were lost, I’m not willing to try that myself. If you are interested in pursuing this further, I’d suggest a conversation with the party’s former lawyer, Brady Toensig. Hope that answers your question.
Joe Benning
State Senator & Minority Leader
Caledonia District
From: Neil Johnson
Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 12:34 PM
To: Joe Benning
Cc: ‘Skip’ ; Neil Johnson
Subject: eligibility for Lt. Governor
Hi Senator Benning,
We are discussing the eligibility for Lt. Governor in Vermont. In a previous article of Vermont digger they posted your concerns after the original article ran.
In looking at the constitution, in both for Senate/House and Gov./Lt Gov it talks about reside. It seems to me that is a qualification of citizen ship, that they expect the people holding office to at least have lived for example one year in the district in which they represent. They are talking about citizenship, but physically living. When you compare the two, it brings out the consistency of what they meant with regard to reside.
While perhaps being extremely unpopular of bringing up this topic, and all the while having been “vetted” by Vermont Digger and the AG, whom is Molly’s boss. It seems to be a rather simple and important bar from which the basis of governance and who can govern within our state.
Perhaps you could shed some legal opinion? Or thoughts? Reside doesn’t seem to equate to citizen ship, otherwise foreign nationals, illegal aliens, citizens of another country/state would be considered citizens by just residing in Vermont. The argument you have to give up citizen ship to be in another doesn’t hold weight either as there are dual citizen ships.
We both know this discussion will not be brought up within our state for open discussion, we are too censored.
and some more…..
I just had one other thought. If a court declared she was ineligible, the next question to ask is: who would replace her? I believe a court would have to order that she be replaced by someone in her own party. Phil Scott would have to do the appointing. Welcome to Tim Ashe as Lt. Gov.
Personally, that leaves me with very mixed reactions to this issue. On the one hand, I’m rather rabid in my protecting the constitutional principles that I’m sworn to uphold. On the other, from a Republican strategy standpoint, I believe a newbie in the position (along with a new pro tempore and new majority leader) will better enable the Republican caucus to slow down stupid stuff while all three go through the learning curve. Just something else to think about.
Joe Benning
State Senator & Minority Leader
Caledonia District
With representatives like you we need no enemy trying to take down our constitution. You and our own governor are doing a fine job. Add onto this the response from the Party Chair of The Vermont GOP, Deb Billado and you’ve got a perfect subversion of the Republican party.
‘the contention that Capital storm troopers were some “rogue mob.”’
This is a lame attempt to avoid taking responsibility for one’s actions. The left did the same thing in relation to this summer’s riots. The simple truth is that, even if there were a few imposters, it was the large numbers that prevented serious opposition. If the mob had “rogue” elements, why were they not singled out by regular protesters?
When our enemy shows us who they are we need to be paying attention – I’m all ears and eyes wide open sir.
I for one oppose and condemn what you and ilk are doing in the strongest of terms – thanks for showing what mob-rule looks like up close and personal. And shame on all who are seeking to subvert freedom and liberty and silence conservative patriot voices in this orchestrated effort on TNR.
There are no click-bait conspiracy theorists here – bring your evidence and debate on merits or kindly wire it sir. In one fell swoop have managed to condemn TNR and every conservative Republican-voting patriot here – congrats – finally display full brown shirted regalia complete with red markings on sleeve like a proud peacock. Welcome to the shiny-boot club. It’s called a smear campaign and hatchet job.
The writings of the several traitors to our nation – constitution and republic on full display rival Joseph Goebbells – golfclap. Intention is clear – orchestrated to cause fear via sophistic savagery to this website and comment section bc you haters *cannot* control our speech and attempt to shut down the site – suck it up Senator and the rest of the traitors to democracy here.
Oh and don’t forget to slam me for using a screenname – it’s the province of bullies btw. Won’t be the first – and looks like I’m in good company – the majority of commenters here are not providing a map to our door along with names of family members. And given the fact the terrorist wing of your party are taking names and none other than that phantom ideology Antifa – are recruiting in Brattleboro – who can blame us.
The attack on the Capital is no better than the eight long months of destruction at the hands of BLM and Antifa that has swept this country since the death of George Floyd.
Beyond the actual acts of destruction, the most distressing and dangerous threat to this country is the corrupt reporting on it by the main stream media………The main stream media meaning those who present themselves as serious news reporters…….. I’m not talking about the so called opinion personalities, who are even worse, but the people who are suppose to be reporting the hard facts.
Day after day for the past eight months since the death of George Floyd, the American people have watched in horror as two things have occurred: 1. The pillaging, looting, deaths, burning, beating, shootings, terrorizing and attacks on police stations in cities across country and 2. The supposedly hard news reporters ( Chuck Todd, Lester Holt, Jack Trapper, Wolf Blitzer, etal) telling us that what we’re witnessing is peaceful protests.
While burning buildings and police cars are shown on our TVs behind these so called serious and even handed hard news reporters…….We’re told that what we’re seeing is peaceful protests……..How stupid do the executives and reporters at the NYTs, Washington Post, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR think the American people are?
The failure of the main stream media to honestly report on the destructive mayhem that has swept this country is the real threat that our Democracy faces……..Time for the main stream news media to wake up……..Time for Vermont’s Congressional delegation to speak up and demand honesty from our media.
Thank you Peter 😀
I sense that this “riot” (as the media likes to play on words) is the first step to take back this country. Noted and later learned that the true rioters in the group were ANTIFA, the brown shirt destructive arm of the Dem / Socialist party that rioted and destroyed many cities for weeks on end. They infiltrated this conservative group and destroyed again. That ANTIFA bunch is financially backed and promoted my Soros. Yet the media in their hatred of Trump, blames it all on Trump. The swamp is heightened in their attempts to destroy Trump, (fearful he might run again?). Mentioned one time in another article, gun sales are up 300%. And the peaceful protesters are doing their Constitutional duty to seek to control Congress and the corrupt deteriorating election process.
The ignorant and stupid media states many time there hasn’t been a riot like this since 1812 when the Brits burned DC. WRONG AGAIN! There was a similar riot in 1933,
Quoting from the article in this link:
Yesterday’s DC protest was by for the most part peaceful concerned people, protected by the Constitution and didn’t like how the election was stolen. The media called them white supremacists, thugs, rioters, criminals, said never happened in 200 years since the British burned the capitol August 24, 1814. BS’ers don’t know history
After WW1 veterans protested and camped out in DC demanding service pay and benefits in 1933 by Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower and George Patton.
After this I will not watch any ABCCBSNBCMSNBCCNNPBS “news” liberal program, the protagonist arm of the Dem party.and have practiced that a few months now. Wish I could get OAN & Newsmax.
MEGA 79 million of Trump voters can’t be all wrong, the (was) silent majority
I deplore violence, but there was something very satisfying about seeing all of those damned politicians crawling in fear and finally understanding that the pent up anger and frustration in this country has us on the verge of a French style revolution. The guillotine is warmed up and waiting……………………………When the people fear the government, that is tyrrany. When the government fears the people, that is liberty!
Before you go too far down the path to the guillotine, you might want to read Edmund Burke’s
“Reflections on the Revolution in France” published in 1790. It is considered one of the founding tracts of modern conservatism. Given that you deplore violence, this might help curb your enthusiasm for a French style revolution.
Freitag, there are some huge differences between the French Revolution and what Dave is proposing. But you know that, which is why you resorted to using the word “guillotine.” You need to change your propaganda tactics.
Furthermore, it’s an absolute affront for you to invoke the name of an historical conservative when you are far removed from that ideology.
Mr. Lizotte,
Dave was the one brought up the word guillotine when he who wrote in his post, ” the guillotine is warmed up and waiting”.
Edmund Burke would have been appalled at excitation to action, the mob violence, including the beating death of a capitol policeman, and the disregard of tradition and institutions. He was one of the few in his day who had the prescience to see where the French Revolution was heading. We ignore the wisdom of history at our own and our dear Republic’s peril.
Gentlemen: All, including Mr. Freitag. I suggest we keep the discussion to peaceful debate and hope you consider my response to Joe Benning, above. After all, to quote Eli Wallach’s character, Tuco, in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly:
‘If you’re gonna’ shoot, shoot. Don’t talk’.
I have no intention to start shooting.. or using a guillotine.
Again, Freitag, you affront the memory of Burke with your framed rhetoric. Further proof you have no conscience..
Thank you Mr Lizotte – we need more ppl like you.
We have a wonderful moderator who does a great job – pretty sure no one needs your or anyones advice sir – sure hope I didn’t misunderstand your directive.
I was actually ashamed at how much I enjoyed the fact that those politicians were fearing for their lives. So many American lives have been shattered by BLM and ANTIFA lead threats and riots. Now the Washington elites have seen first hand what it’s like to be in the middle of a ‘peaceful protest’.
Many in the media ,including politicians, have recently called the Capital building ‘sacred’. I find this almost blasphemous. It’s not a church or temple or mosque. It may have sacred artwork and religious quotes on the walls, ornate and beautiful worthy of worldly praise, but it’s just a building filled with liars, cheats and swindlers. (Yes, sinners like myself.)
I don’t like to see the Capital building being damaged, it is a hallmark of this great country! But it is not sacred.
I’ll continue to stand with Donald Trump and be always thankful for the work he has done for the American people. However, my hope and trust is in Jesus Christ. I pray He comes back soon.
I’m not a bit ashamed to admit I enjoyed seeing them run like the little chickens**ts they are.
They’d best get accustomed to it. We will not comply with anything they decree, and we can harass them at home just as they’ve done. Get ready for a tortuous four years.
Last night a capitol policeman died of injuries suffered in this riot. A woman was killed during the riot as she attempted to breach an area where capitol police had brought the people they are sworn to protect for safety. I have to admit, I think this is a tragedy for our Republic. Is this really the path we want to continue down?
Whether it is violence from the left or right, all those who break the law and
attempt to use brute force to get what they want must be opposed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
ANTIFA was present, infiltrated the Conservative peaceful for the most part people. Those that destroyed did the same in various cities. What do you propose to do with the ANTIFA and stop the destruction of people and property? They are linked to the 4 people that were killed. Look at the videos, these apes don’t look like hard working people.
Here’s a web site where you can see their profiles, 36 of them. They don’t look like laborers or farmers.
DC police release photos of suspects in US Capitol siege
Put the blame where it belongs.
Due to tragic event of Antifa rioters disguised as MAGA Trump supporters repeating the continued domestic terrorism carried out in major Democrat-run cities in the US beginning last summer – last night a capitol policeman died of injuries suffered in this riot. A woman was gunned down by capitol police as she attempted to breach an area where capitol police had brought the people they are sworn to protect for safety. I have to admit, I think this is a tragedy for our Republic. Is this really the path we want to continue down?
It, like their thoughts and actions, are sacred because Rhett fell they are special and above out all.
But I doubt if even one person in congress learned anything from this. I believe they should be asking, why did it happen. Congressmen have very little respect from most people.
These 55 folks should be ashamed of themselves. The debacle they promulgated will go down in our history as hopefully, the closest our Republic has come to a President fomenting a coup! Their actions are insufferable, illegal and I hope ALL involved in this insurrection and terrorism are prosecuted to every extent of our laws!
This is NOT MY Republican Party! It was hyjacked 5 years ago by the most narcissistic, immoral, unintelligent psychopath politician in our history. I vow, at 75 years old, I will work to find an decent, moral, intelligent, inclusive, candidate to beat Biden in 4 years!
Whatever you say Karen.
So let’s let the far left continue to lie, burn, and destroy with no penalties or challenges. Let’s have future elections that mean nothing, but always properly “fixed” to elect those who support the Swamp. Let’s hound, ostracize, fire, or even arrest anyone who dares to disagree with the propaganda media and far left Democrats who are our new deity to worship. It all will produce a wonderful and perfect new America. No more 1st 2d or 14th Amendments rights or even an outdated Constitution to worry our tired little now re-educated brains . Let’s just surrender and dutifully welcome with open arms and massive cheers this new ideal government – our amazing fascist America. NOT!!
If the senile pedophile prevails, you wont have a country or him to beat in 1 year let alone 4.
Who ? Your Republican party is all done. They are all squishy invertebrates, with the exception of a few, that turned their backs on President Trump in his moment of need. If this were the Commiecrats every one of them, House and Senate would have stood up and howled if they lost the election and everyone of them would have contested it. Oh ! maybe you can get that bastion of squishy-ness Mitt to run again. All Trump has to do is form a new party and the Republicans are all done. The Republicans did not stand up for Trump which means they didn’t stand up for us.
These last few days showed peoples true colors. Look at Graham’s quotes, so many others who showed their true colors.
When Washington D.C. is supposedly 50% dem 50% rep….and 96% of the entire district votes for Biden….it’s really 96% for the establishment. 96% for the NWO. 96% against the American people 96% against the constitution 96% against the bill of rights 96% for stuffing their own pockets, hanging with the lobbyists.
It’s pretty much the exact same in Vermont. Except 70% dem, 30% repub and only about 4% for the Vermont constitution, for the citizens of Vermont.
These parties are no good. Our country has finally woken up, it’s not what many thought it was. This election will be the greatest awakening our country has ever experienced. It’s the start of a new day. The charade is over, they can not hide from their censorship, lies, stealing and abetting.
The fraud will be exposed, it will see the light of day. Their sin will have found them out, they have done themselves in.
Great Comment!
“These parties are no good. Our country has finally woken up, it’s not what many thought it was. This election will be the greatest awakening our country has ever experienced. It’s the start of a new day. The charade is over, they can not hide from their censorship, lies, stealing and abetting.
The fraud will be exposed, it will see the light of day. Their sin will have found them out, they have done themselves in.”
I pray to God, you are correct!
Dear Gary, turn off the propaganda, we have heard it all before, you are merely repeating what the tv tells you to say. Looks like you have ONLY seen what they offered and none of the extra footage that you should have seen. They ( news) are a force of the elite, managing your perceptions. Do you want to be a spigot of their whim? You are now.
PS thank you True North for your facilitation of freedom of comments.
Did the socialists in Montpelier take their name down, so they can harass them in the future?