The following commentary by Steve MacDonald has been republished with permission from GraniteGrok.
More than a few folks will want to take a victory lap. The Left’s Paper of Record, the New York Times, has published an extensive report on SARS-CoV2 in which they explain how it was a byproduct of bio-engineering research at the Wuhan Lab in China.
Emphasis was added at the source.
One of the reasons there is no published information on such work, according to all three investigators, is because the shadow project on the mine viruses at the Wuhan institute was being funded by the Chinese military.
The State Department investigators wrote in their report: “Despite presenting itself as a civilian institution, the United States has determined that the Wuhan Institute of Virology has collaborated on publications and secret projects with China’s military. The Wuhan Institute of Virology has engaged in classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017.” …
You can wade through it here (no paywall), and it’s an interesting little dance but summarized, some people did something — at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Scientists manipulated viruses in humanized mice to engineer a biological agent using SARS.
SARS-CoV2 can’t be anything but the Wuhan Flu.
Take your victory lap so we can get to the real question. Why is the New York Times admitting this, and why now? They have long been the foundry for approved narratives. We have “scientists,” experts,” the Wuhan Institute, virus research, the Chinese military, and genetic engineering.
Some people on Social Media still can’t post, and if they can, they cannot reach anyone because they got throttled over accusations of disinformation. A problem the Zuckerberg-Meister-Berger has acknowledged; Facebook fact-checkers censored true information. No flies on you, but no apologies either, so don’t expect to get your social media lockdown lifted.
Nothing will happen to the fake fact-checkers or the Karens who reported you. They’ll keep fake fact-checking right along – this is, after all, another day that ends with ‘Y’.
Why. They just took a dump in the backyard of Joe’s Chinese Laundromat. I doubt the Times launched this broadside without someone in the Biden orbit catching wind of it first. So, wassup? And what about the NIH and its gain of function research associated with the work? I think that’s the answer to the why.
It looks to me like a rescue mission. Fauci’s NIH funded some of this; his fingerprints are all over it. Every mention of NIH in the piece is couched in giant narrative pillows that soften the landing.
Last week, Daszak denied the EcoHealth-related experiments were dangerous. He said the NIH did not view the experiments as gain of function and that laboratory safety rules in China were followed at all times. The NIH said it “has never approved any research that would make a coronavirus more dangerous to humans.”
There are links to US money and the NIH, but NIH was misled by researchers (they say), and in the end, someone got cute, and none of that is their fault.
The investigators believe the Chinese military had taken an interest in developing a vaccine for the viruses so they could be used as potential bioweapons. If a country could inoculate its population against its own secret virus, it might have a weapon to shift the balance of world power.
No one could have known they were helping the Chinese create a bio-weapon or that the US was funding what became a joint venture to engineer a pathogen with political potential.
Did they mean Joe Biden? He’s a Chinese project that’s infected America, been terrible for the US, and great for China. The virus itself wasn’t nearly as dangerous. Over 98% survived that infection. Will we be able to say the same for the Biden virus?
Then there is the vaccine for the Wuhan Flu. It seems it will be messing with us for decades, and we have Pfizer and Moderna to thank for the juice and the elites for the pressure campaign to get a needle in every arm. Well, not every arm. Many of the same folks saying this looked engineered were getting labeled as anti-science vaccine deniers.
We were right about that too.
Just listened to an interview with author, Don Jeffries. The greatest psyop in world history – plenty of evidence widely available to prove it. Yet, the propaganda machine and well compensated NGO’s still many people completely under brainwashed control. The fact remains, as documented in court filings and medical research, the “virus”, to this day, is not isolated. Millions of people innoculated against a disease that has no documentation of what it actually is or comprised of. Millions of people shoved q-tips up to their brain barrier to be tested for a disease that has no sample. Indeed, the greatest psyop in history.
I guess you could call it the China army bio flu but we all know now that’s what the bio lab in Wuhan is so might’s just as well keep it wuhan flu for short. I would like to see the vax renamed to a more appropriate name like the
“Death Jab” though.
It always was, and always will be the ” Wuhan Flu “, I don’t care what liberal it offends !!
Put the blame where it belongs…………………
You pulled those words almost verbatim from my mouth….. except. It is, has been, and always will be the Wuhan VIRUS
Breaking news,I’ve always referred to it as the CCP Wuhan Flue,you have no idea how little I care what the Marxist party or it’s media says.