WOMEN’S MARCH: Frigid temperatures may have limited turnout for the 2019 Women’s March in Montpelier, which featured anti-Trump, pro-abortion, Black Lives Matter and other far-left movements.
MONTPELIER — A few hundred Vermonters on Saturday attended the local Women’s March, while others traveled Washington, D.C., to join the much larger national rally in the nation’s capital.
Like the rally of early 2017, the main themes were women’s rights and protesting President Donald Trump.
For a few hours in frigid temperatures, the crowd listened to speakers and songs focused on social justice issues ranging from women’s rights to LGBT concerns. The usual visuals included pink-pussy hats, anti-Trump signs, and pro-abortion messages.
Nationwide, this year’s march has been mired in controversy. Women’s March co-founder Tamika Mallory has come under criticism for her high praise of Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan has made racist remarks about Jews and the LGBTQ community.
“I’m not an anti-Semite. I’m anti-termite,” is one infamous Farrakhan quote from last year.
The Women’s March leaders’ associations with Farrakhan have caused nationwide outrage, even from left-wing groups including the Democratic National Committee and NAACP, both of which boycotted Saturday’s march.
Out in Humboldt County, Calif., another controversy swirled about as organizers canceled the local march over brazenly racist claims that the participants would be “overwhelmingly white.”
“Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,” the group’s Facebook page read.
Locally, however, protesters seemed mostly organized around a common dislike of the president.
Marilyn Malmquist, of Corinth, said she braved the cold weather to protest Trump.
“A lot of I think is just the way he is using emotion to get people angry and fearful of immigrants,” she said. “I think there’s a very dangerous tendency towards not acknowledging white nationalists and all these things that I’ve never believed in, and all of the sudden they are part of the government.”
Asked if she thought Vermont has white nationalists, she replied, “Oh I’m sure, I get the Southern Poverty Law Center’s information, and yes, they are apparently here. I’ve seen the Confederate flags,” she said.
Malmquist said she wasn’t familiar with the Women’s March leaders’ ties to Farrakhan. However, she said hate speech from any source, including from the March’s leaders, is unacceptable.
“It’s unfortunate, and we’ve got to strive to work together and not really tolerate racism in every case,” she said.
Andrea Z-Covey, of Peacham, noted the turnout in Montpelier was not quite what it was two years ago, which was well over a thousand protesters. This year’s protest was in the hundreds.
“The turnout was OK, not as big as the first year,” she said. “But it’s OK — there’s a lot of people there, a lot of support, great signs. … It was mostly about just continuing to stand up for people of color, the LGBTQ populations, and just people who are just not heard often.”
Z-Covey suggested the decision to cancel the Humboldt County, Calif., march because it would be attended predominantly by white people was a puzzling decision.
“I can kind of understand it, it does often happen I think,” She said. “Yet I think we just need to keep those conversations open and going, and the only way to get through those uncomfortable situations is to bring people together and to keep giving support and to encourage conversations.”
She added that news about the rejection of whites in the California march might also be “trolling to take attention and support away from the whole movement.”
Ann Burcroff, of Montpelier, shared her thoughts on the march.
“I need to keep pushing the young ones, and I’m happy to see them out there working not only for women’s rights but women-power. There were lots of Black Lives, Abenaki women who spoke first and they had a wonderful talk about this being our land, and [about] women being the only part of human beings who can bring a new person into the world.”
The 2019 Women’s March took place just days after the men’s shaver company Gillette released a pro-feminist, anti-masculinity advertisement that shows men shaving off their beards while slogans about male privilege and male-based harassment play in the background.
Michael Bielawski is a reporter for True North Reports. Send him news tips at bielawski82@yahoo.com and follow him on Twitter @TrueNorthMikeB.
Since they don’t allow ALL Women and only like minded sheeple of the left,
they shouldn’t appropriate the name “Women’s March” maybe something
like the Pink Herd March would be a better fit.
Yes, it’s a disgrace how they tend to use ewes.
Research “Operation Mockingbird”; will explain far better than I can what is happening.
The subliminal message of “divide and conquer”: Split the family. Put the sexes one against the other, the rich against the not-so-well-to-do. The constant strife distracts from the real issues we face.
Men are not Toxic, Women are not victims, we are both better than this. Men are not at war with women, we want them happy and most will do what is in their power to put a smile on their gals face. These 400 do not speak for the 599,600 people in Vermont. We need to come together in Love, Joy and Peace.
Above is a positive video….about men.
You reap what you sow.
Some comments. First, the language used on the signs carried by the Woman’ March in Washington DC were disgusting and foul mouthed. Please see the link I posted in a commentary on the article posted a day or two ago about abortion legislation in VT.
The comment that a march in CA was cancelled due to a lack of people of color signing up….maybe they are smart enough to see that the standard of living for people of color has improved substantially under the Trump administration. “An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found that Hispanic and Latino approval of Trump surged 19 points in just one month and is now at 50%”. That would be since the government shutdown over the border wall. That’s a tough one to swallow.
The Confederate battle flag. While having been hijacked by some organizations of a racist nature, it is not automatically a symbol of hate. It’s most prominent display down South is by member of historical organization such as the Sons of the Confederacy. I know, because I live in Tennessee. And here’s a real shocker, there are people of color who belong to the Sons of the Confederacy. I have studied the Civil War in detail over the last few years and the standard Northern interpretation of this national event is so myopic. For women to wear their “pink pussy” hats is no different the white separatists waving the Confederate battle flag. And, the Southern Poverty Law Center sows more hatred than the Confederate battle flag. Least we not forget that the Democratic party was the party of Jim Crow and segregation. And in addition, it was the Republican party that ended slavery and brought about women’s rights.
To me this march is the extreme left protesting the extreme right. Let’s not forget the country is not made up of extremist. And, there will always be extremists on both sides.
Extreme left take extreme positions and present themselves foolishly. Extreme right assassinate presidents, Democratic politicians, and black leaders, and murder health care providers and run cars into crowds murdering as many as they can.
The problem with this article is that it plays to the narrow-minded right who view anyone who thinks other than them as wrong.
Get rid of the media that plays to single-sided political views and we will all be better for it.
“mj” so the left is just a bit foolish at times but the right is a murder hungry hate group? Seems like you should get your info from someone beyond mainstream media sheep.
Looking at most of these women and their vile attitudes, that’s birth control in itself. Quoting Marilyn Malmquist, of Corinth “Asked if she thought Vermont has white nationalists, she replied, “Oh I’m sure, I get the Southern Poverty Law Center’s information, and yes, they are apparently here. I’ve seen the Confederate flags,” she said.”
The SPLC is one of of most corrupt organizations in existence. A notation in the following web page:
The SPLC has also been hit with a number of lawsuits over “hate” defamation claims in recent days” Research a co-founder, Morris Dees, here’s some links:
You can search and find many more. Interesting just how gullible are like Ms Malmquist are. They don’t truly research their sources to follow and worship. Furthermore, I’ve seen where these groups protest the Confederate flag, seems she endorses it by paying homage to the SPLC.
If the quotes are any indication those idiots are incapable of stringing together a coherent sentence, let alone expressing any valid ideas.
““A lot of I think is just the way he is using emotion to get people angry and fearful of immigrants,” she said. “I think there’s a very dangerous tendency towards not acknowledging white nationalists and all these things that I’ve never believed in, and all of the sudden they are part of the government.””
What a waste of protoplasm!!
““I’m not an anti-Semite. I’m anti-termite,” is one infamous Farrakhan quote from last year.”
I would take this to mean that those misguided fools equate to boring into the timbers of this once great ship of state. In such an instance, I would totally agree: I also am anti-termite. We have too many such destructive forces at play.
How many of these creatures would a sane man even consider sharing a house with, let alone a bed??
termites have rights too!
Pathetic. These women wear their pink pussy vagina hats and thing they deserve respect? They don’t respect themselves. What is wrong with these people?
I cannot believe that these Liberal Feminists would allow anything that mentions the word
” MEN ” in it, would be part of their movement……. Wo”MEN’s” March !!
Again, if you watch and looks at these fools and their Pink Pussy hats, Pictures of a Vagina
or outfits of nude women bodies, these fools want respect …… yeah !!
Now there National Leader is a supporter of Louis Farrakhan, he hates everyone it just goes
to show, they don’t have a clue and most of us don’t care about there protest……. too bad !!