Keelan: Unfortunately, it has happened again
Once again, two nonprofits, one in South Royalton, Vermont, and the other across the border in Lebanon, New Hampshire, have fallen victim to embezzlement.
Once again, two nonprofits, one in South Royalton, Vermont, and the other across the border in Lebanon, New Hampshire, have fallen victim to embezzlement.
One problem with school lunches has been waste. About 30 million out of 49.2 million U.S. students receive school lunches. But kids throw away a lot of food, especially if it is unsavory. One study reports that K-12 children throw away about half of school cafeteria food.
State Auditor Doug Hoffer just released a 12-page report about how the cable broadband expansion effort is going two years and over $150 million into what is anticipated to be a $600-$800 million project. It’s about what you would expect from a massively bureaucratic, multi-layered government system.
Most Vermonters have no problem with those in need receiving assistance, especially during winter. But abuses of the “system” for public assistance should be policed and curtailed: currently they are not, and this is a significant problem.
The Small Business Administration-administered Paycheck Protection Program paid out millions of dollars to ineligible unions, according to a new report released by the Freedom Foundation.
Vermont’s seemingly unrestrained spending during the COVID pandemic reveals the unsustainable fantasy world in which the current ultra-Progressive Legislature has taken lodging. Throttling up spending and debt ultimately hurts the very people who are supposedly the object of government relief.
The Vermont Department of Labor disabled its online unemployment insurance initial claim application in response to a sharp increase in fraudulent claims being filed. Upon review of the claims being submitted, more than 90% of initial claims were being flagged as fraudulent.
Republican lawmakers pushed back Wednesday after the White House unveiled a new $1.8 trillion spending plan that includes free college tuition provisions and up to 12 weeks of paid family leave.
The same government that seeks to mandate electric school buses to avert climate change dispatched a fleet of diesel-fueled school buses to deliver lunches! Was that in the best interests of children?
I here propose a bold plan, which I will call the “Vermont Pension Funding Action Plan.” The plan would create a state task force to combat fraud and waste, replete with a confidential phone line for reporting.
The small business relief Paycheck Protection Program was inefficient and didn’t actually save many small business jobs compared to other programs, economists said.
The new rules package for the 117th Congress grants a sweeping new exemption from deficit controls for two favored types of spending: countering the coronavirus and — wait for it — programs to combat climate change.