By Guy Page
Another round of bills introduced in the Vermont House of Representatives would, among other things, allow crossbows during deer bow season, ban big game hunting with air guns, criminalize unsecured firearms in homes with children, and allow non-citizens to vote in Montpelier city elections.
Click on links for more information. If eventually passed into law as introduced, these bills would:
H.216 | Allow deer hunters 21 and over to use during bow season. Rep. Terrenzini, others. |
H.215 | Create independent Child Advocate Office. Reps. Noyes, Hill. |
H.214 | Require State to consider leakage, contamination in permits for fossil fuel facilities. Rep. Masland. |
H.213 | Let landowners remove improvements that triggered Act 250 review. Rep. Higley. |
H.212 | Create Office of Native American Affairs. Rep. Masland. |
H.211 | Ban use of air guns to take big game. Rep. Bates. |
H.210 | Study elimination, replacement of sales and use tax. Rep. Beck. |
H.209 | End suspension of state aid for school construction projects. |
H.208 | Require surveyors submit digital survey plat to Vermont Center for Geographic Information. Rep. Pajala. |
H.207 | Allow non-citizens to vote in Montpelier city elections. Charter change. Reps. M. Hooper, Kitzmiller. |
H.206 | Allow Montpelier to ban sale of nonreusable plastic products. Charter change. Reps. M. Hooper, Kitzmiller. |
H.205 | Regulate neo-nic pesticides to protect bees. |
H.204 | Eliminate duty of health insurance navigators to help employers set up employee payment with pre-tax premiums. |
H.203 | Make crime of not securing firearms in homes where child, or person barred from possession, may gain access. Rep. Lalonde. |
H.202 | Require restaurants to identify allergens on menu. Rep. Webb. |
H.201 | Give consumer protecting against involuntary towing and storage of motor vehicles. Rep. Rachelson. |
H.200 | Permit employer to conduct drug test. Rep. Dickinson. |
H.199 | Deduct medical expenses on VT tax return. Rep. Webb. |
H.198 | Change how homestead education tax rates are calculated. Rep. Beck. |
H.197 | Amend Act 250. (This is not the Natural Resources Committee bill, expected by end of this session.) Rep. Kimbell. |
Statehouse Headliners is intended primarily to educate, not advocate. It is e-mailed to an ever-growing list of interested Vermonters, public officials and media. Guy Page is affiliated with the Vermont Energy Partnership; the Vermont Alliance for Ethical Healthcare; and Physicians, Families and Friends for a Better Vermont.
Image courtesy of Bruce Parker/TNR
No air guns to hunt big game? Let’s also make it a crime to eat soup with a fork. Time well spent
Lalonde, Ancel and Pugh’s bill (H.203) defines a ‘child’ as anyone under age 18. Vermont Statutes Title 13, Chapter 85, allow a child under age 16 to possess a firearm with parental or guardian permission. H.203 doesn’t provide any similar exception.
Either H.203 is a backdoor attempt to undermine existing law, or the drafter isn’t swift enough to have read Title 13. Those we send to Montpelier should at least know where to find existing law and they should ensure proposed bills with their name(s) attached don’t conflict with current VT Statutes. That’s a huge expectation, I know, especially when so many in Montpelier believe they’re so much better than the rest of us.
Mr. Lalonde is a California/Michigan transplant, as are so many in our General assembly. having trashed and fled their own states, they come here to replicate what happened there. Our mistake is that we elect them to office. Why I do not know.
I sent this to the Great Rep. Bates of Montpelier. “Ban use of air guns to take big game” I won’t hear from him. Like a cockroach.
H 211 What is your problem with air guns? They are very safe and efficient. Are you on a course to outlaw all guns, which it seems to be in Montpelier. Are pea shooters next?
This is outright stupidity. Give a reason or does it fall in the scope to control people at any junction? What outside source influenced you? Is it money?
Thanks for coming to VT to ruin our way of life, which is very gun safe.
I’m getting the feeling this lolonde creature is being bank rolled by mr anti 2nd amendment bloomingidjit. (bloomburg). A gun that is locked in a locker isn’t going to save you or your families life when it’s needed.
I think the air gun bill should be dropped as it’s the one chance a Animal would have to get back a human idiot stupid enough to use a air gun against a big animal.
And non citizen voting should be a Big NO (and students that don’t live here too)… that would be the first step into getting them able to vote in Nat. elections. VOTER ID NOW….if you need ID for Bank, Driving, Welfare, SSecurity, Air travel, Drugs, cigs and alcohol, you can damn well require it for VOTING… It’s not the Russians it’s the illegal and dead that continually vote that corrupt our Constitutional Republic….
There is a guy manufacturing high caliber air guns. Lewis & Clack had one on their westward exploration. Here’s info:
I met a fellow that makes them. Won’t say who or where. No legal restrictions.
I was impressed as to what it can do and the simplicity—-no gun powder. Just like a regular rifle. 40 shots on a air charge.
The L&C story is very interesting.
This people for H211 have no concept of air guns or the history of. Rep. Bates so stupid. If I wanted to use an air gun or make a plastic one, I would. What an air head. Air guns are just as efficient as any rifle.
This Martin LaLonde character (from CA) in the Burlington area. He participated in a “Town Hall” with people from his area. They wanted gun control (of course being libs). So he introduced gun control legislation.
He didn’t poll or talk to the rest of VT, just Burlington. That’s all he needed to say “people” wanted gun control. So stupido back gun control bills.
Chittenden county is the root of evil.
I wonder how Lalonde is going to pay for all the gun safes required to comply with his bill? I figure a decent safe (for long guns) is about $1000.
If he and the state want to mandate something, they’d better be willing to pay for it!
Lolonde listening to burlington bolsheviks on gun control is tantamount to listening to criminals for idea’s on gun control. Of course they would like them locked up/unusable.
The only thing you need to know about gun control is breath deep let it out and squeeze the trigger, don’t yank it. Oh yea no shootin sideways one handed that’s only for street cred show…
And correcto mundo “Chittenden county is the root of evil”
Burnee, Leahy, Dean, Kunin , Hoff all the greatly disrespectful of what the USA is got their start here…CC is the sewer of liberalism…
Couldn’t have said it better. That’s the idiots that are now running this State. We really need voter ID laws across the nation along with term limits.
The use of air guns on big game would be like a pea shooter on a dog. Stupid bill.