This article by Jim Therrien originally appeared May 17 in the Bennington Banner.
BENNINGTON — State Rep. Chris Bates, D-Bennington, issued a statement Friday in reaction to the release of information “involving certain indiscretions in my past, dating back, in some instances, 40 years.”

Rep. Chris Bates, D-Bennington
Bates, who was elected in November to a Bennington 2-1 House seat, said criminal charges he faced in Illinois involved incidents during his late teens and 20s and “altercations that led to misdemeanor charges of assault.”
Approximately 10 to 15 years ago, he said, “I accepted responsibility for and admitted to DUI charges arising from my prior struggles with alcohol use.”
The freshman lawmaker said he released the written statement after learning that “certain persons, in order, it seems, to advance their own personal interests, have published highly personal information about me .”
He and other local lawmakers said they had heard rumors about Bates having faced criminal charges, including that he might soon be arrested and extradited to Illinois because of some unresolved legal issues. Bates denied Friday that he faced arrest or extradition.
Read full article at the Bennington Banner.
(Fair use with written permission from the New England Newspapers Inc.)
His past record is irrelevant, as long as he didn’t say anything that could be perceived as offensive. I’m sure he has a long record of success creating jobs too.
I read the lawsuit Mr. Hoyt has pending. Interesting read. Kevin desires to have it in the hands of many, pass on. It’s about serious corruption under the Dome and law enforcement.
His case titled:
He has other links to it as well. A commenter mentioned he get a hold of the FBI in MA about the VT individuals. Bates apparently has a colorful past as mentioned therein. Been in this state 7 years or so from IA (or IL?).
Appears Kevin has been railroaded full time and Bates is behind it eo win the election. This brings to mind the trouble R- Bob Friener of Chelsea had in getting to the Dome by Mitzi Johnson. Corruption.
A criminal moves to the state of Vermont get selected to represent vermonters under the golden dome and votes to destroy our rights..
And it is obvious that it’s just me and does not have enough self shame to step down after this being revealed about him.
I am in awe that someone isn’t looking at removing this man from office.
This is the guy that introduced a bill H211 (I believe) to ban air rifles. I wrote abou this in anoher TNR article showing my comments and emails with him.
“bill H211 (I believe) to ban air rifles”
Just think of all the gun grabbing leftards can do with criminals in JAIL Voting to
make their job after serving more gun free. Yes they will vote your rights away
in the flash of a eye, their criminals so it won’t effect them.
As far as the criminal Demonrat it’s a gold star on the leftarded resume to be down with the law breaking..
Now there is a real role model. Way to go Dems!!!!