This article by Patricia LeBoeuf originally appeared March 5 in the Bennington Banner.
POWNAL — Voters approved a $1.04 million general budget and a $1.02 million road budget Tuesday, along with multiple ballot articles, including one authorizing the Select Board to acquire, maintain and operate two buses donated by the Pownal School District.
The general budget includes increased salaries and benefits, a new $4,000 charge for Catamount Access Television to record the town’s meetings, and money for lawn maintenance and snow removal — shoveling — around the town hall and the church, Michael Walker, town administrator, previously told the Banner.
The budget also includes about $189,000 from the undesignated fund balance from fiscal 2019, which will be used to offset taxes.
Select board members’ salaries and wages have been level funded at $7,500, as has the town administrator’s salary, at $65,000.
The road fund budget has a $2,450 increase from the initial presented budget.
Read full article at the Bennington Banner.
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