This article by Patricia LeBoeuf originally appeared Aug. 2 in the Bennington Banner.
POWNAL — Equal parts concern and support were on display Thursday at a special meeting of the Select Board, as board members heard feedback on a proposed junk ordinance regulating salvage yards, waste disposal and junk and junk vehicles.

Like the current zoning bylaws, the ordinance specifically defines “junk” — old or scrap copper, brass, iron, steel and other old or scrap material, including things like rope, rags, batteries, glass, waste, trash and wrecked motor vehicle or parts.
The one-hour public meeting at the Pownal Valley Firehouse to hear public comment on the proposed ordinance had about nine attendees, offering their thoughts in a back-and-forth discussion with board members. Four of the five board members attended the meeting, with Marlena Pellon absent.
One man shared his frustration with his property, which he rents.
It’s so expensive to get rid of stuff, he said.
“Actually it isn’t your property,” said Jim Winchester, who also attended. “You’re a renter. You’re in a different circumstance. You don’t own that property.”
“But it’s still a s—hole,” the man said. “I’ve got so much stuff; I’m overwhelmed.”
Read full article at the Bennington Banner.
(Fair use with written permission from the New England Newspapers Inc.)
I say the thing no one wants to hear; This “need” is a result of flat-landers moving in who want to live in a park like setting.
It’s truly ironic that wind mills on ridges are OK, unsightly solar farms are fine, trash and highly visible junk are OK, while the folks in Montpelier keep harping on maintaining Vermont’s pristine environment.
One man’s “Junk ” is another man’s ” Treasure “, so it’s your property, you pay the
taxes…….maybe you just need a fence, a high one !!