COVID-19 vaccine mandates are wreaking havoc across the country as employees are forced to get vaccinated or possibly risk losing their jobs. Employees’ religion-based objections to vaccination are clashing with those mandates, and often, the mandate wins out.
Hunter Creger was suspended from his job at a Colorado-based spacecraft launch service after he refused the vaccine on religious grounds.
“It was awful,” Creger explains. “These are people that I work for, and that I’ve developed a relationship with, and they’re telling me that … . They walked me out the door. They had security walk me out the door because I didn’t want to take the shot.”
Creger joins the show to share his story and to offer advice to others who find themselves in circumstances similar to his.
So much for Co-Existing.
they prefer the word compliance. Dictators prefer compliance and control.
Co-exist was only about allowing themselves to infiltrate our minds and souls…..just let the evil in……and suddenly now evil rules. Co-exist is just a transitory stage to allow power, money, sex, drugs, strife, anxiety, impatience to rule our lives…..