By Guy Page
Statistics revealed during Tuesday’s press conference show that 455 Vermonters have died of Covid-19. At least some of these Vermonters died “with” Covid-19 and not as a direct result of the disease, Gov. Phil Scott and Health Commissioner Mark Levine said during the press conference.
How many? They don’t know.
Vermont Daily Chronicle wanted to know because public policies aimed at driving down the Covid death rate are painful to some Vermonters. As Scott and Levine noted with approval at the press conference, vaccine passports are an ‘incentive’: get vaxxed or lose access to public places or even your job. So we asked: “How many of the unvaccinated dying of Covid actually had Covid symptoms leading to death, and how many who merely tested positive actually died of other causes? And if there is no effective way to break that down, why not?”
Scott responded:
“I’ve had some of the same questions. Because I see a number of the deaths as well – they die with Covid, they have tested positive for Covid, and it probably contributed to their death – but not all. There are some that had terminal cancer, for instance and so it was inevitable. But at the same time, we want to be able to communicate exactly what we’re seeing. Under the conditions that we impose upon ourselves and others throughout the country, I believe that’s the guideline that we use, so that we wouldn’t be accused of hiding anything.”
Levine added:
“All of this information comes from death certificates. So the quality of the death certificate is essential to understanding what went into a particular death. You have to understand that with the number of deaths that have occurred in this country, which I think are in the 800,000 range at this point, not every medical history and hospital chart is being opened so it’s really done through death certificates.
“I can tell you that because we have a much smaller number of deaths in Vermont we do have eyes on every single one and i can tell you that particularly now during the Delta surge the deaths that have occurred in the unvaccinated people are generally people who ended up in an ICU because they had such a severe case of covid – not exclusively, but a very large percent. There will probably be some that had Covid as being present at the time of death, probably the straw that broke the camel’s back, and a person who had other illnesses but it’s really hard to give you the exact number you’re looking for based on the fact that you can only read into a death certificate so much, and not every case is as easily decipherable.
“But my instinct about the delta surge, I think you can take to the bank.”
Guy Page is publisher of the Vermont Daily Chronicle. Reprinted with permission.
#1 The Question Asked –
“How many of the unvaccinated dying of Covid actually had Covid symptoms leading to death, and how many who merely tested positive actually died of other causes? And if there is no effective way to break that down, why not?”
This seems like a straightforward question, it asks if Covid was the cause of Unvaccinated deaths and if there is a way to break this down, if there isn’t why not?
#2 The response from Scott
“I’ve had some of the same questions. Because I see a number of the deaths as well – they die with Covid, they have tested positive for Covid, and it probably contributed to their death – but not all. There are some that had terminal cancer, for instance and so it was inevitable.
This is a non-answer to a simple question, “probably some but not all” is a guess but based on what?
“But at the same time, we want to be able to communicate exactly what we’re seeing. Under the conditions that we impose upon ourselves and others throughout the country, I believe that’s the guideline that we use, so that we wouldn’t be accused of hiding anything.”
What guideline is he referring to and exactly what is he seeing? This is another non-answer, is it that all of the 455 Covid related deaths in Vermont died with not from? Is ‘probably some but not all’ the guideline we use?
#3 The response from Levin
“All of this information comes from death certificates. So the quality of the death certificate is essential to understanding what went into a particular death. You have to understand that with the number of deaths that have occurred in this country, which I think are in the 800,000 range at this point, not every medical history and hospital chart is being opened so it’s really done through death certificates.”
OK that is fair and does answer part of the question, death certificates are what is being used to count how many people died either with or from Covid.
“I can tell you that because we have a much smaller number of deaths in Vermont we do have eyes on every single one”
So the total death toll attributed to Covid is 455 people, according to the last Vermont Department of Health Covid-19 Weekly Summary 12/17/21 103 fully vaccinated people have died from or with covid.
The question is asking about unvaccinated people so 455-103=352
If we have eyes on all 352 death certificates, medical histories and hospital charts where is that data? What was the average age? Were there pre-existing conditions? With the amount of $ being spent on Covid in Vermont wouldn’t this data be valuable and worthwhile to analyze? Couldn’t it lead to better treatment methods based on common variables leading up to death? He says there are eyes on every single one but….
“..and i can tell you that particularly now during the Delta surge the deaths that have occurred in the unvaccinated people are generally people who ended up in an ICU because they had such a severe case of covid – not exclusively, but a very large percent. There will probably be some that had Covid as being present at the time of death, probably the straw that broke the camel’s back, and a person who had other illnesses but it’s really hard to give you the exact number you’re looking for based on the fact that you can only read into a death certificate so much, and not every case is as easily decipherable.
Interestingly, after saying that they have eyes on every chart, medical history, and death certificate, they slide back to words like “generally” and “not exclusively, but a very large percent” and “hard to give an exact number” after they said they “have eyes on every single one”. Again, with all that we have spent on Covid, how is it not worthwhile to have this information to study? It is a fair statement that “not every case is as easily decipherable” but what % of the total 352 unvaccinated deaths fall into that category?
“But my instinct about the delta surge, I think you can take to the bank.”
I’m not taking anything to the bank, why is it an instinct if they have the data? I assume he is referencing;
“during the Delta surge the deaths that have occurred in the unvaccinated people are generally people who ended up in an ICU because they had such a severe case of covid”
They have this information in the hospital charts, which include a patient’s medical history, this should not be an instinct, this should be at least a hypothesis supported by data. For example he could say “based on the data from hospital charts 70% of the unvaccinated people over the age of 65 with type 2 diabetes went to the ICU because they had such a severe case of covid”
#4 Back to the Question Asked –
“How many of the unvaccinated dying of Covid actually had Covid symptoms leading to death, and how many who merely tested positive actually died of other causes? And if there is no effective way to break that down, why not?”
They have this information but will not share it with us.
Hospitals get $13,000 for every Covid case and $43,000 for every patient put on a ventilator.
I recently watched a case where a father was denied access to his “Down syndrome” daughter. She had underlying conditions. They got her on a ventilator against dad’s wishes. Then denied him any access to her. The hospital received $39,000 for the “death”bc it was a covid death vs a $9,000 p/o if it wasn’t covid.
All a part of the Dr. Mengele society.
Way to go Guy, it’s such a pleasure having reporters ask real questions. And then finding out our leading officials can’t answer the very most basic question, that underlies the entire reason for lockdowns and vaccines.
It’s been a long 2 weeks to flatten the curve, just saying.
Will people realize how utterly incompetent that is?
Wouldn’t that border criminal? People lost their business, because they shut them down. People died because they couldn’t get proper medical treatment…….
Isn’t that the $5 billion dollar question? Didn’t we get and spend $5 BILLION dollars and they can’t answer the most fundamental question that was the basis of the last 2 years?
Wow…..perhaps they’ll get raise and position in Washington for the excellent work.
88 people die on average per year because of the regular flu.
Typically, they don’t add multiple year deaths in talking about the flu.
455 – 88 -88 = 279 people who died, with or of covid? Big distinction.
And if we were using the Math + protocol, that has saved 80%, 279 – 80% = 55.8 people for two year who would have died from covid had we gone a different medical route, that coincidentally would have cost a ton less money, less than $100 per patient.
Do they allow alternative treatments in our state? So far the doctors I’ve asked don’t know about them or say no.
Yes Neil, the model of corporate medicine is all about itself, using those needing healthcare simply to extort more profit!
I doubt root cause ever enters into it, after all treating symptoms is way more profitable than actually finding or addressing a cure!
The real question is how many deaths are vaccine related?
@Lynn! Exactly!! More deaths from jab than anywhere else!! but those #s are hidden as well. Under reported via VAERS