Editor’s note: Terry MacCormack, press secretary for Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, issued the following statement about the Transportation and Climate Initiative:
“The Baker-Polito Administration always maintained the Commonwealth would only move forward with TCI if multiple states committed, and, as that does not exist, the transportation climate initiative is no longer the best solution for the Commonwealth’s transportation and environmental needs. At the same time, the new federal infrastructure funding package, American Rescue Plan investments, as well as tax revenue surpluses generated by Massachusetts’ strong economic recovery make the Commonwealth better positioned to upgrade its roads, bridges and public transportation systems, while also making investments to reduce transportation emissions, deliver equitable transportation solutions and benefits and meet the state’s ambitious climate goals.”
Meanwhile the Vermont Climate Council, under the provisions of the Global Warming Solutions Act created by Democrats/Progressives, charges ahead with costly and disruptive climate mandates that will make TCI look like a modest effort…….Efforts that will have no impact on mitigating climate change.
What do Vermont legislators know that elected representatives in other states don’t?…….Are Vermont legislators just a whole lot smarter that everyone else?
Maybe Speaker Krowinski or Senate Pro Tem Balint can tell us.
That is great news for Massachusetts people.
Many other NORTHEAST states NEVER opted in, or have opted out.
Vermont should follow them to avoid HIGHER AUTHORITIES:
1) Telling Vermonters what to do regarding how and when to go from A to B
2) Mandating Vermonters to pay much more for gasoline, so various hare-brained transportation schemes can be financed.