By Shelby Talcott
Two journalists debated about who is to blame for mass shootings on Fox News Thursday, with one suggesting no one should be blamed for the attacks.
Fox News contributor Lisa Boothe debated former New York Times reporter Judith Miller on Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom.”
“So I think trying to somehow make sense of these killers who clearly have something wrong with them is a disturbing trend,” Boothe said. “And then by the same logic, you would have to lay the Dayton shooting at the feet of [Sens.] Elizabeth Warren [of Massachusetts] and Bernie Sanders [of Vermont], which is insane.”
The left has “every right to mention” President Donald Trump’s “incendiary language” when talking about who is to blame for mass shootings, Miller said.
“That is fair game,” said Miller, who is a foreign and urban policy expert at the Manhattan Institute.
The Dayton, Ohio, shooter is believed to have had a Twitter account where he referred to himself as a “leftist” and showed support for 2020 Democratic candidate Warren and Antifa. Boothe also mentioned the policies found in the suspected El Paso, Texas, shooter’s alleged manifesto “predated President Trump.”
The suspected El Paso shooter, who allegedly killed 22 people at Walmart Saturday, is believed to have a strong anti-immigrant manifesto. Some have linked the manifesto to rhetoric from Trump.
“That is the logical conclusion that you would draw if you are laying the blame of the El Paso shooting at President Trump’s feet,” Boothe said after Miller suggested it was fair to blame Trump for the shootings. “I hate to even bring this up because I don’t think we should give any of these killers any sort of attention, but even the manifesto says that the policy positions on immigration predated President Trump.”
Two shootings left 31 people dead over the weekend in El Paso and Dayton, sparking debate on gun control. Some have blamed Trump for the attacks because of alleged anti-immigration and racist rhetoric.
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Didn’t the guns do it?
Blame, blame, blame…
How much more productive would it be to concentrate upon the whys of the obvious signs of instability that BOTH shooters displayed in social media having been overlooked/ignored by “the authorities”. But ohno, gotta make it the usual left/right issue. Fits more with increased gun control, no?
It seems to me that these mass shootings are a phenomenon which has entered our culture as an unintended consequence of the tech boom. The internet, Twitter, Facebook and the like have given access to instant communication so the nut cases get all kinds of crazy ideas from these sources. When I was growing up in the thirties and early forties during the Great Depression and WW II there was none of this insanity.
Wonderful point Jim!
Think back to the fifties/sixties, race riots, draft card burning, the Kennedys/MLK, and Reagan shootings. It was more difficult then to obtain unfiltered information behind the events. Easier now with the www — but still need to verify before accepting.
Information and technology are useful for either good or evil purposes. Your unspoken question might be, who will be the “deciders”? Restriction of communication, of information and its valid uses, will be a rocky path that was unimaginable to me as I sat in US History class, barely listening to discussing Fidel Castro’s rise to power in Cuba. In the following days, the mafia/casino owners were already plotting his overthrow. Power & money; influence: nothing changes.
“The Dayton, Ohio, shooter is believed to have had a Twitter account where he referred to himself as a “leftist” and showed support for 2020 Democratic candidate Warren and Antifa.”
Don’t just say “is believed to have,” post a link to it.
‘Boothe also mentioned the policies found in the suspected El Paso, Texas, shooter’s alleged manifesto “predated President Trump.”’
First of all, it is not an,”alleged manifisto.” I have read it, because other Journalists at least did enough homework to post a link to it in their articles. Secondly, the shooting was referred to as a specic plan in the manifesto and the shooting was current. Anyone who bothered to read the manifesto cannot deny that it provides an explanation for the shooting. His ideology is a weird blend of right and left. The leftwung aspect of his thought is what the liberal media is not covering. If conservative journalists waant to earn their keep, they should actually READ the manifesto and analyze the ideology it reprents. The racial hostility to immigrants is front and cneter, but so is population control in the name of environmentalism, achieving a “Universal Basic Income,” and “Universal Health Care.” Anti corporate hatred is alos a part of it and he identifies with the lable “Eco-Fascist.” Remember the Unabomber? Check out this article for an analysis of his ideology: If conservatives want to write on this matter, they really need to do more homework thanks shown in this article!
Great points Rob!
As much as I oppose Sanders and Warren, the logic is not the same as the El Paso shooting. We know that the Dayton shooter had leftist ties, but there is not evidence linking those toes to a motive for the shooting. In the case of the El Passo shooting, there is an explicit link not motive and ideology. Conservatives need to do better than this if we want to be credible.
Why try and use common sense with the Left, they have none and they all
have ( TDS ) Trump derangement syndrome and there is no cure.
Lisa Boothe is correct if you blame one political group or person, then you
should blame the other political group or person for the same rhetoric that
causes devastation.
The Liberal Left will never take responsibility, they do no wrong, just ask one
or a hundred !!
CHenry, hateful rhetoric from all directions is part of the blame. Hopefully, it’s not too late to stop hate and actually come together in this country. Moving past blame and fixing things should be the goal.
Selfrighteous horses-ass much…facepalm
Stress engenders violent reactions from throwing away a golf club to mass killing. The effect is most noticeable and most dangerous in the immature and those whose mental stability is at best questionable. The Left, particularly since Hillary’s spectacular defeat in 2016, has done little but elevate the national stress level and enthusiastically promote reactive aggressions in those most susceptible. With, unfortunately, considerable success. Generating mayhem and promoting societal instability is a characteristic common in Socialist takeover attempts. Fear encourages people to give up their freedoms and grant powers to government, the goal of Progressivism. You can see why disarming the segment of the population that obeys laws benefits the Leftists – it leaves only the criminals and the oppressors armed.