I wrote previously that I was hesitant to take the COVID vaccine because of prior health issues, and because I had conferred with my doctor about the benefits of a natural immune system. I had not ruled out the vaccine entirely, but now I have — for non-medical reasons.
I am not a doctor, so I try to get health information from physicians and health professionals. I also read the CDC’s website. As many Americans may have noticed, it is very difficult to get trustworthy data. This is not just because there are so many opinions, but because the CDC and vaccine supporters keep shifting the “scientific” bar. (Remember when we were out to “flatten the curve?” Now the CDC says we are going to “beat the pandemic” by getting vaccinated).
But this pandemic is endemic. The disease mutates, and will be with us year after year, like flu. It was created and released by humans, yet we have systematically been lied to about that truth. Testing methods were novel and unreliable — a child can tell that not all deaths attributable to COVID were “caused” by that disease. The lies and confusion in the “science” are rife.
What I do know is law. And I know existing laws are being flouted, and many people — including health professionals and so-called leaders — are openly calling to discriminate against fellow citizens to compel them to be vaccinated. For this reason, I contemplated getting vaccinated — so as to gain credibility for my arguments on behalf of those who are unvaccinated. But I see now that is futile.
I recently penned an article in which I demonstrated that state Sen. Dick McCormack, D-Windsor, utterly misrepresented the Constitution in his call to treat the unvaccinated as criminals akin to drunk drivers or physical assailants. One feckless comment was “Your ignorance is showing again. Share with us John, did you get vaccinated yet?” Somehow the legal reasoning in the piece was reduced to whether or not I had the shot. Would math be reduced this ignorantly?
I see now that getting vaccinated would not alter those cowering in credulous fear — they would muster another means to shield their cognitive dissonance. When people thirst after false reasoning to support fear-mongering, it is easy to see why the perversion of clear thought extends into both medicine and law. Common sense is in shorter supply than effective COVID masks.
I know the law — it is being violated. Gun rights, voting fraud, CRT ideology that discriminates solely based on skin color — the Constitution is being jettisoned before our very eyes while dithering fools panic over a disease created and lied about by the thug government that now pretends to care. I cannot be sure that the vaccine offers immunity from disease: I can though be certain that pharmaceutical companies are immune from prosecution or civil liability if their experimental product proves harmful. (The CDC seems uninterested in studying death or injury from the vaccine — though some 6,490 deaths have been reported).
The Biden administration solicited a legal opinion telling private companies they can openly discriminate against the unvaccinated — much as Americans are told the Constitution does not shield them from the private discrimination against speech by big media and internet tyrants. (Imagine if the feds had said private restaurants can refuse to serve black Americans hamburgers.) The fact is, the federal and state governments are actively encouraging censorship, discrimination, and restrictions of numerous fundamental liberties by private businesses. And far too many such businesses — already politically weaponized, including in the “social justice” melee — are willing to join the mob’s dismantling of the United States Constitution.
Legal rights in America are not determined by doctors: they are decided upon by courts, after the presentation of scientific evidence justifying government action. That is being sidestepped, as cowering sheep grovel for edicts governing their legal rights from physicians and politicians completely unqualified — and ethically compromised — from making such decisions. The “scientific evidence” still falls remarkably shy of demonstrating a compelling governmental interest sufficient to mandate vaccines for COVID-19 — unless the standard was altered to include “necessary to protect the public psychologically from unjustified mass hysteria induced by Orwellian methodology.”
The SPARS report reflects a futuristic scenario in which health care bureaucrats issue edicts controlling every aspect of American’s liberties — without even paying lip service to the Constitution, or the opinions of jurists. One wonders why America needs courts, if doctors have taken over the administration of rights. The report reveals that the use of this disease to displace normal legal protections is deliberate and orchestrated. Using “death counts” from alleged COVID cases on national media reports didn’t hurt — reminiscent of the “red level” terrorist alerts used by the Bush administration to condition Americans for paternalistic government control.
No, I will likely never get vaccinated with any COVID products, now that I see just how far the COVID fear-mongers are willing to go to violate rights using quack science and even quackier legal “theories.” It is extremely difficult to know how many people die from vaccines, let alone from experimental ones. Having unquestioning (blind) faith in vaccine “science” is a choice — how quickly those who claim as “choice” the killing of a third-term baby wish to deny choice to parents and children for personal health decisions. These people are assailing fundamental liberties, and in their selfish terror will not tolerate logic or law to hamper their thuggery.
I do not propose that lawyers use their training to cut hair — why are doctors using theirs to cut liberties?
I know tyranny when I see it — not from studying science, but from studying law. I will inoculate myself and others with Constitutional Ivermectin, designed to deworm our nation of the scoundrels who would target and discriminate against others in violation of their basic, God-given, human rights. That is a much more deadly threat to America, in all its vile variants, than COVID-19.
We must inject more discussion of Constitutional law into our children. Unlike the COVID vaccines, it is approved even for those under 12. No mask required.
John Klar is an attorney and farmer residing in Brookfield, and the former pastor of the First Congregational Church of Westfield. © Copyright True North Reports 2021. All rights reserved.
If you choose not to get vaccinated then you need to isolate yourself from the rest of the population. That means staying home and avoiding contact with others. Will you do that? If not then you will potentially contribute to the spread. We all need to work together as a team.
The vaccinated spread Covid, too. Isn’t that blindingly apparent by now? Are the vaccinated going to stay home, too, and avoid contact with others?
What exactly are we “all working together” toward? Whatever it is, you’ll excuse me if I point out that it’s not working.
How about we just follow Florida’s lead and stop this nonsense? Why are people flocking to Florida, and why can’t you hardly buy a house there, the demand is so high? Because people want to live in a virus-infected, “freedom-loving,” irresponsible state? Or because people are really, really tired of this BS and the misdirection that’s been going on?
You’re going to get crickets here, sorry to say. I wonder how many commenting here have good health insurance, as a typical covid recovery is in the neighborhood of $100,000 and a maximum-effort one is around $350,000.
Recovering from Covid will cost a few hundred dollars.
The biggest investment is your time finding a doctor that isn’t shackled to the CDC and afraid of the CDC. Then since you’ll be using technology to communicate with this doctor– unless you live in Florida, where it seems many doctors are much freer and you’ll actually be able to go to an office– you’ll have to figure out the technology. Then it’s a matter of finding a pharmacy that will fill your prescriptions, as many leading pharmacies will not (despite that the chief medication is amazingly safe.)
Of course you can’t do all this when you get sick because you’ll have to have prescriptions mailed to you, and you want to start treatment immediately. So you’ll have to set this up beforehand as prophylactic treatment for Covid. Then if you do get sick, it’s much simpler to set things in motion.
You’ll be like a criminal going outside the system, and you’ll be colluding with doctors that the medical authorities are trying to shut down. Never before have we had such a situation where so many legitimate, fully-educated, licensed physicians are being hunted down and censored because they want to save lives. Yet, this is happening everywhere.
There are doctors who’ve treated hundreds of Covid patients successfully using unconventional means. The authorities want to shut them down. https://earlycovidcare.org/our-expert/ The authorities do not want you to listen to them. VTDigger, VPR, and the NYTimes will not mention them except to condemn them.
You’ll begin to wonder if we don’t live in North Korea or in Stalinist Russia, instead of in a supposedly free country. And, you’ll be attacked by people who only hear the propaganda.
The source for your claim of “a few hundred dollars” is horribly suspect. It made me waive any claim for damages if their advice proved harmful or fatal.
My doctor doesn’t make me sign a waiver when I go to her for information. Do you think that perhaps you are too trusting?
I can give you a pretty accurate cost.
For one thing, I had to find an out-of-state doctor willing to follow the FLCCC protocol. https://covid19criticalcare.com/ This took some research. (My own doctor is terrified of thinking outside the box.) The first doctor I found was in Florida and charged $100 for a consult, which I did. However, then this provider was blocked from prescribing in Vermont. Then I found an excellent provider in the midwest who charged $55 for a consult (yes, fully licensed in many states.) So, there’s $55. This got me a prescription for ivermectin to prevent Covid. The prescription was about $130.
But, I got Covid anyhow (from a live-in family member) so then there’s a $35 follow-up consult. At that point I got the following: another prescription for ivermectin, prescriptions for fluvoxamine, atorvastatin, aspirin, budenoside, a nebulizer for the budenoside, and a prescription for monoclonal antibodies, which I didn’t get filled because I received no response from a medical center and I figured that it was getting too late (this has to be within about seven days of beginning of symptoms.)
In addition I had over-the-counter supplements: vitamins C and D, zinc, quercetin, curcumin. I had these on hand, they’re fairly inexpensive, so I won’t count these.
So here’s my cost:
Consults: $85
First ivermectin: $130
Second ivermectin: $59.95
Aspirin: about $12
Atorvastatin: $10.47
Fluvoxamine: $8.23
Budenoside: $15.00
Nebulizer: $75
Total: $395.65
The one drawback was because many chain pharmacies won’t fill prescriptions for ivermectin if it’s for Covid, I had to get this out-of-state and there were two days when I was pretty sick and without ivermectin. I also didn’t get the nebulizer until a day ago (it had to be shipped) and I probably could’ve used it earlier for the budenoside.
The biggest hassle was simply finding a doctor and setting things up for the consult, as this was done through a special software and was entirely on-line.
It’s been well over a week since I tested positive, and the worst is over. At no point was I gasping for breadth, or even close. I was bedridden, yes, and I’m still weak. But I’m fine. There are no noticeable side effects to any of the meds except for the fluvoxamine, which causes some mild light-headedness. Not a problem. I can still think and read and drive a car. I expect that in a week I’ll be pretty much back to my old self.
Dr. Marik, one of the developers of the early-treatment protocol for Covid-19, is no longer allowed to prescribe fluvoxamine or ivermectin for his ICU patients. The hospital forbids it. He’s suing. The situation is truly insane. Because, you see, the drugs might kill the patients who are dying of Covid??? Or perhaps it’s because they might cure the patients???
Make that, “Jim.” Publishing error.
Where does one find a doctor who’ll provide early treatment for Covid-19?
Early treatment is essential. If you’re left untreated then the next stage, if you’re unlucky, is the inflammatory stage when you start gasping for breath.
Please read more. It’s not a one-size fits all approach. And natural immunity is a factor, too. Vaccines are not good for every group: https://brownstone.org/articles/myocarditis-under-age-40-an-update/
They also don’t prevent infection: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/cdc-report-shows-vaccinated-people-can-spread-covid-19/ar-AAML2bE
If you don’t like paying for other people’s COVID, then move to a state that doesn’t tax you.
EVERYONE regardless of how you feel about the vaccine should read the link below. It clearly explains the virus, the history and the vaccine and it’s effect on the body. Every point is fully referenced, the writer clearly has an inside knowledge of the virus/vaccine and the politicalization we’re experiencing.
The is not an authoritative source.
There you have it. An authoritative source, cgregory, is here to tell us what an authoritative source is.
So an authoritative source would be something Dr. Fauci says, with zero references???
I refuse to take the JABS, I refuse to wear a mask, I refuse to bow and kiss their a$$.I was born in America. I went to my Dr as I need an operation. I was asked if I have had the Vaxx, I said No my body is my choice. He said I can not have the operation unless I have been vaccinated, he said to get the shot and I can get you in the hospital. told him to kiss my A$$.. I will NOT BE DICTATED TOO
I look at it this way… If the good Lord wants me he’ll take me ( I had stage 4 cancer) the devil won’t take me as he has a restraining order against me…So I am here till I am 104.
The left and that little weasel Facui know they are losing control and now they came up with another Virus.. Sorry buddy, I will not fall for your lies… I will never OBEY. The left here in Vermont and flip flop Scott can get to hell out of Vermont matter of fact get out of America !!!!
What’s the difference between the covid epidemic and the polio epidemic of the 50’s that has a lot of today’s population fearful of immunizations, while in the 50’s people prayed for an immunization and gladly got one when they finally became available?
The difference is that this is a man-made virus, made in China, and supported by the US. This despite that it’s well-known that there’s a military-civilian alliance in China such that no Chinese can refuse the military’s request for information and assistance. The Wuhan lab is now headed by a Chinese military bioweapons expert.
There’s no doubt that Fauci funded Wuhan through Ecohealth Alliance– we have the documents, it’s plain as day, and Fauci can lie in front of Congress all he wants to but that doesn’t change the truth. There’s no doubt that Covid-19 is a bioweapon because despite all the soothing talk about GOF research being about vaccine production to head off natural emergence, nothing in Wuhan helped with the vaccines, despite that in Wuhan they specifically worked on bat coronaviruses.
Doesn’t it seem in the least bit fishy that Dr. Fauci went behind the back of the US moratorium on GOF research and outsourced it to Wuhan, and that he’s been in charge of the US response to the virus despite that he had a large hand in its creation?
So people paying attention are asking what in heck is going on, and why have early treatments been brutally suppressed in a coordinated effort that included even the medical journals? Question: who was/is behind this blatantly coordinated effort?
People paying attention are asking why there’s such a focus on vaccines when it’s very clear that vaccines are not stopping the spread of Covid and the CDC seems extremely unconcerned about numerous reports of adverse events from the vaccines, despite that every single vaccine used in the US and recommended for children is EUA; not one in use has been approved by the FDA, despite that we are erroneously led to believe that the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine is “the same” as the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine and thus has FDA approval. It does not.
People paying attention want to know why doctors and nurses are being gagged and why doctors aren’t allowed to use their own judgment in prescribing safe medications to treat Covid-19.
People paying attention know that this stinks to high heaven, and the rest of you had better wake up unless you want to be monitored and managed through your vaccine passports in a system that will turn out to be very much like the social credit system existing now in China. Then the state will be supreme and there will be NOTHING that any of us do that cannot be seen, monitored, and controlled by the state. Just like in China.
People who have been paying attention can see this. Others are blind to the corruption and treachery that’s so vast and pervasive as to be unbelievable, unless we open our eyes and pay attention.
We have the solution to Covid: focused protection on the elderly and vulnerable. Children are hardly affected at all– stop abusing them. Early treatment for everyone, as soon as symptoms are suspected, to prevent the inflammatory phase. A simple thing like a dilute nasal betadine solution used regularly makes perfect sense, since the virus takes hold in the nasal passages. If this is so, then common sense tells us: stop the virus from taking hold in the nasal passages. The CDC? Out to lunch. Sleeping. Or, so corrupt that it’s doing the opposite of what should be done.
@ Jim, completely agree! One fact to add: The CDC and Fauci BOTH own PATENTS on corona virus vaccines!Dr. David Martin and his company discovered that 10’s of THOUSANDS of patents were taken out back in 2009 (ish) all well documented. Tells you how deeep this goes when the cdc and Fauci are making billions ….but hey no conflict of interest right?!
It would seem that refusing to take a vaccine known to improve one’s survivability by a factor of 1,000 is self-defeating, even if the virus were man-made.
One can postulate from the alleged “man-made” scenario that the whole pandemic is nothing more than the latest wrinkle in capitalism: Holding an entire world hostage for profit.
If that were the case, then refusing to take the vaccine would be little more than a fairly chimerical hope that one a) doesn’t get the illness and b) denies various venture capitalists one’s widow’s mite expended for both the vaccine and the hospitalization.
A better course than simply refusing the vaccine would be to pass laws forbidding any revenues to go to the companies that invented the immunizations. (That can be done, and was done voluntarily: Jonas Salk released all his patent rights for the polio vaccine to the public domain; in my opinion, he was a secular saint and a genuine American hero.)
But not getting vaccinated for free against a capitalist disease? Not very smart, in my opinion.
We know how to improve survivability for Covid-19 without the vaccines. It’s cheaper than the vaccines, too.
The problem with the vaccines is that there are numerous reports of adverse events from these vaccines that the authorities are busy ignoring. No one is keeping track.
Glad to read this commentary and the comments.
The news is here to tell us what to think; the mainstream media as a collective operates as the Ministry of Truth, and the real truth is hidden. We’re being fed lies on so many levels, on so many things, that those who swallow the news whole and are good and decent people simply would not believe how bad it really is.
It doesn’t take any special insight to understand what’s going on; it only takes listening to other viewpoints and thinking about what makes the most sense, and daring to think that yes, there might indeed be a number of conspiracies operating against humanity, and against basic decency and liberty. Those other viewpoints are quickly being shuffled off to sites far from the mainstream, so that good and decent folk will never hear what they need to hear.
The good news is eventually the tributaries become the mainstream of truth.
This is when reality becomes a culmination of the flowing universe and the stream becomes one with the sea!
Actually, no.
The tributaries get choked off by the media’s controllers: Google, Apple, Meta, all of which use algorithms to put to the forefront the content which will generate the most ad revenue. Unless the tributaries’ output matches the algorithm’s reward routines, they are going to wither away. If Congress passed a Fairness Doctrine for the Internet, tributaries would at least have a chance to flourish.
Yeah…with our penchant for colonialism in the form of building dams where perfectly good beaver dams exist (common sense, critical thinking), shutting off the natural flow of information IS the first line of offense when taking over a nation. I can tell you that the smaller you are, and the more independent, the easier it is to quash the messenger before they’ve even gotten out of the paddock. Going after the person in ad hominem attacks very well in a small state like Vermont where doing so discredits the messenger, so people fail to hear the message. Works like a charm when communism is still a shadow in most people’s minds, and not a reality being the useful idiots they are, in making sure those tributaries don’t open up and flow as they would normally, with a free flow of information PEOPLE can decide on, themselves.
This is a pretty kumbaya and naive and hopium filled perspective.
As long as you keep thinking this, the small tributaries remain blocked, and the people behind them shunned, targeted, and marginalized… easy to do in a State like Vermont.
The key is preventing the vaccine passport – see Catherine Austin Fitts on the Highwire last episode.
ALL of this is to mask setting up a digital surveillance check point to control how and what we consume to live, taking that choice out of our hands.
This all about making us move away from cash which cannot be controlled or monitored and thus users cannot be held hostage for compliance – and making us obey the gate keepers through that digital ID and bank card.
Keeping cash alive is key especially for small business owners.
We are on the precipice of a coup d’etat that has been going on for two decades, and is now nearly complete.
Will Vermont capitulate its last toe hold of freedom and follow the lemmings?
Koyanasqatsi, people, life upside down.
Getting right with ourselves and our Gods puts things aright again, and clear vision returns.
Don’t accept even a little bit of the lies into your lives… that IS the toe hold.
What we accept, we get.
That IS how we got here… welcome to toad boiling school.
Look up New World Order, what is happening has been
Planned for many years. Pres. Bush, Obama, talked about it. In vacation to CO. Hotel newspaper front page
said Henry Kissinger has nominated Barack Obama to be the leader of the New World order. I started investigating. Fauci is in with Bill Gates who has had several conferences in over population in the world.
Covid vaccines, will breakdown your immune system.
They expect people to die within 2-3 years. That’s why now they want to continue 3 doses of the vaccine.
Over 20,000 in the world have died from the vaccines.
Get on Health Impact News. Good source for reliable info. News media is lying to us. Yes they want a cashless society. Many people have already had a chip put into them. my in-laws announced 2 years ago they where having the chip. I send them Bible verses asking them not to do it. Get close to God. Lots happening!
God bless, stay strong.
UN Agenda Sustainable Development Agenda 2021-2030-2030, and the 2021 Davos outcomes, and Klaus Schwab who opined: You will own nothing, and you will be happy.
Glad you are aware of the plan in play – THE FALL OF THE CABAL is a very interesting documentary to give the background of this agenda.
2050 …
Once you see the plan, and it’s written out for all to see everything makes perfect sense. Because they are following the plan.
Sadly nobody reads it, sadly nobody is able to discern truth from lies, because we are not educated with any wisdom. We are no more than parrots being fed garbage from our propaganda phone (aka smart phone) directly to our brains, at which point we think we are thoroughly educated and know everything.
Just “google” it and you to can be a genius! Everybody is a genius with their smart phone, too bad the controllers of information on you r propaganda phone have no interest in the truth.
These are four common medicines that supposedly make a huge difference.
Brilliant, John!
The harder they push, the more they expose the myriad holes in their “science”. Their desperation speaks volumes.
It could be argued that President Trump’s poor response to the pandemic was what led to his defeat in the last election.
The Republican Party should not tie itself to the belief that the pandemic is an ideological issue rather than a health issue. If it does so, it is likely that it will not bode well in future elections and for politicians like Governors DeSantis and Abbott who hope to be viable Presidential candidates.
It will also certainly not help Vermont Republican candidates win in 2022 and make needed changes in the Vermont legislature.
Re: “It could be argued that President Trump’s poor response to the pandemic was what led to his defeat in the last election.”
The again, it could be just as easily argued that Trump’s response was better than Biden’s.
Did it ever occur to anyone that the Biden administration’s covert transport of illegal, untested (for Covid) immigrants, that have crossed the southern U.S. border, is being ‘weaponized’ against conservative States and their conservative political leaders? I suspect that many of these immigrants (super-spreaders, to say the least) are being directed to Florida, for the sole purpose of making the Desantis anti-lockdown, anti-mask, policies appear to be failures.
Your papers please, Mr. Freitag. Where are your papers?
Political parties do not represent the people, parties are collectives that represent special interests, but until we figure that out things will only become more corrupt and divisive!
The two party system is a mistake it divides us into groups seeking advantage over each other, thus we never seem to get to the root of what needs to be achieved, even when that achievement is not necessary in the first place!
In 1780, seven years before our present Constitution was drafted, John Adams wrote the following in a letter:
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” …and here we are!
Also, notice his reference to America as a “republic” and not a “democracy”.
Thanks for the support, I believe John Adams was correct in his reasoning and I also notice far too many refer to our form of governance as a Democracy, when it is obvious they should know better.
I take this as a sign that many of them are unprincipled and perhaps self serving!
As one who took the Freeman Oath some 50 years ago and pledged to vote for the best good of Vermont, I have never voted in all that time for a straight party ticket. While I consider myself an Independent I also recognize that the best chance of people getting elected in Vermont is to be a part of a political party.
I believe that the Democratic Party and Progressive Party in Vermont at this time are far too ideological and impractical and in many ways are pursuing policies that will in the longterm harm our state. Governor Scott is providing as best he can an elected alternative and bulkwork to those policies. He has afterall vetoed more bills than any other governor in Vermont history.
What is needed at this time in Vermont is not more outrage but practical and thoughtful Republican and Independents to provide enough members in the legislature to sustain those vetos. Pushing the most extreme positions and castigating those who could be allies may not be the best way to make real political headway.
The laws of the universe are well established yet we are intent on legislating around them, creating collectives of politics & religion to gain advantage.
It is said the world will decentralize in the age of Aquarius, perhaps we could learn to just follow the laws we were given and look for truth instead of compromise.
John Adams was ahead of his time, but a wise man non the less!
I mean no disrespect to people who have died from covid, or any other virus, and I think about manmade viruses coming out of communist China and their possible effects on the world. However, the fact remains most people survive covid-19. I’m so done with this unwarranted fear. Isn’t there something else we could scare the public with? Hey, I know, let’s talk nonstop for the next year and a half about bed bugs! DID YOU KNOW:
Bed bugs can lay one to five eggs in a day and more than 500 in a lifetime.
Bed bugs can survive for several months without eating.
Bed bugs can withstand a wide range of temperatures, from nearly freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bed bug draw blood for about five minutes before retreating to digest.
Bed bugs hatchlings are so small they can pass through a stitch-hole in a mattress.
Bed bugs can ingest seven times their own weight in blood, which would be the equivalent of an average-sized male drinking 120 gallons of liquid.
Bed bugs are found in all 50 states
I echo your sentiments, John. Thank you for so eloquently sharing them here. We are surely living in frightening times.
Yes, and the key is to not acquiesce to the wannabe dictators and authoritarians. Do not “go along to get along.” Never, ever surrender your Constitutional rights, no matter what.
For far too many years Americas health care system has been structured in a monopolistic manner, controlled by pharmaceutical and insurance industry models that functions as a trap to keep individuals from understanding the power the human body has to heal itself.
Many holistic protocols have been discarded, forgotten or demonized as a result and of course they were not covered under the insurance model, so this keeps the cost of health care high while protecting the demand for synthetic drugs.
Healing requires holistic harmony, not synthetic intervention as with this so called COVID-19 Vaccine.
It would appear we may be about to experience a very severe case of buyers remorse at the hands of this monopolistic narrative!
Not to mention Dexamethasone, Convalescent blood plasma, and Remdesivir. But these aren’t high-profit-margin products for pharmaceutical companies.
And we sun-starved New Englanders should always consider Vitamin D supplements, ‘as [the] immune cells in autoimmune diseases are responsive to the ameliorative effects of vitamin D, [and] the beneficial effects of supplementing vitamin D-deficient individuals with autoimmune disease may extend beyond the effects on bone and calcium homeostasis.
12-28-21 Just a note to clarify – recent reports indicate that Remdesivir should not be recommended.
Outstanding questions and concerns about the mRNA and DNA vaccines for covid-19.
Primary sources of information I have used:
JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association “Corona Viruses – An Introduction”
10 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMc3vL_MIeo
Facts from JAMA video:
1. Pfizer and Moderna are categorized as genetic vaccines. These genetic vaccines instruct our cells to make the covid Spike protein via messenger RNA.
2. Adenovirus vaccines insert covid-19 spike protein DNA into a human-derived virus (Johnson & Johnson) or chimpanzee-derived virus (AstraZeneca/Oxford). This DNA coding for the COVID-19 spike protein makes your body’s cells reproduce the spike protein to theoretically stimulate your body’s immune response to the spike protein.
Moderna website: https://www.modernatx.com/mrna-technology/science-and-fundamentals-mrna-technology
Facts from Moderna website:
1. Our cells make proteins all the time. It’s a process of human biology.
2. These proteins are necessary for proper functioning of the human body.
3. “mRNA medicines are sets of instructions. And these instructions direct cells in the body to make proteins to prevent or fight disease.”
4. “mRNA is just as critical as DNA. Without mRNA, your genetic code would never get used by your body. Proteins would never get made. And your body wouldn’t – actually couldn’t – perform its functions. Messenger ribonucleic acid, or mRNA for short, plays a vital role in human biology, specifically in a process known as protein synthesis. mRNA is a single-stranded molecule that carries genetic code from DNA in a cell’s nucleus to ribosomes, the cell’s protein-making machinery.”
My questions about the long-term effects of receiving mRNA and DNA viral vector vaccines:
1. Which cells in the human body does this messenger RNA instruct to make the Spike protein? All of our cells? Some of our cells? Skin cells? Muscle cells? Heart cells? Liver cells? Brain cells? Blood vessel cells? Red blood cells? WHICH CELLS are instructed to make the spike protein?
2. If this injected mRNA instructs cells to make the Spike protein, do these cells stop making the proteins that they used to make – the proteins that are necessary for our bodies to function? If yes, when do cells return to their production of the original proteins they are designed to make? If no, how does the cell know how to make both the proteins they are designed to make and the spike protein simultaneously? If each cell contains one strand of DNA, I do not understand how cells can produce more than one type of protein at a time.
3. How many replications of Spike protein are required to elicit an immune response at a level that protects the vaccine recipient from becoming infected with /or seriously ill from Covid?
4. What is the “shut-off” mechanism that instructs cells to stop making the Spike protein after immunity has been established?
Jerusalem Post “Could an mRNA Vaccine be Dangerous in the Long Term https://www.jpost.com/health-science/could-an-mrna-vaccine-be-dangerous-in-the-long-term-649253
quote from article:
“When Moderna was just finishing its Phase I trial, The Independent wrote about the vaccine and described it this way: “It uses a sequence of genetic RNA material produced in a lab that, when injected into your body, must invade your cells and hijack your cells’ protein-making machinery called ribosomes to produce the viral components that subsequently train your immune system to fight the virus. Brosh said that this does not mean the vaccine changes people’s genetic code. Rather, he said it is more like a USB device (the mRNA) that is inserted into a computer (your body). It does not impact the hard drive of the computer but runs a certain program.
But he acknowledged that there are unique and unknown risks to messenger RNA vaccines, including local and systemic inflammatory responses that could lead to autoimmune conditions.”
I have hungered for a definition of a “Case” of Covid? “10,000 new Cases this week.”???
Is it just a test, is it a set of symptoms, can people test for covid and have zero symptoms,
Zero Illness??.
If you die in a car accident and have unknowilingly fought off a covid virus with zero symptoms
Will your death be listed as “COVID DEATH” due to antibody tests? And
be duitifully listed as died by Covid?? Seems So!!
Never answered!?
Fearmongering, whether through covid or other scenarios, is always used to coerce others to do something they would otherwise not do. Heightened fears or emotions make people shut down logical thinking. And when logical thinking is gone, tyranny will rule. People will give up all their rights to be “protected”. And when they finally come to their senses, assuming they had any to begin with, they will not have any rights left. When we ignore our rights, they will go away and an uneducated, unarmed populace is easy to control. If you’re not sure about that, ask someone from a communist or socialist country, assuming they can speak freely without fearing retaliation. Or open a history book.
One thing I haven’t figured out is why all of the anger and vitriol are being directed at the unvaxed yet few seem to be angry at China, Fauci and others in the US who funded and assisted in the gain of function research that created and unleashed Covid on the world.
Bingo. You’ve identified the classic smoking gun that’s sitting out in full view for everyone to see.
The anger and vitriol is ginned up to distract from the culpability of the entire administration and bureaucracy for this crime against American people.
@ PubliusII
Sadly, it’s not just a crime against the American people, but one against all of humanity. Well as even the deer are Covid positive now, not to mention the big cats at the zoo, it’s a crime against all of the world’s living residents!
Intentional obfuxcation !!?? Focus on fear. Control the herd!