John Klar: Food, famine, fear — Beware the great agricultural reset

Public domain

Those who call to send our young into foreign battle will themselves soon be battling to fill their bellies. Millions of Americans are waking in awareness to the unprecedented threat of famine in the world’s leading economic nation.

By John Klar

Americans awakening to the Orwellian Rule of Joe Biden and his crew of thieves have noticed that the perpetual lying is designed to inculcate pliancy through fear. When the COVID-19 hysteria began to wane, Big Brother Biden switched gears to the Ukraine crisis. Intriguingly, both crises have been caused by the government Biden heads — COVID-19 was crafted in Wuhan, and the Obama administration set the scene for making Ukraine America’s pawn in the current conflict.  Conning Americans with one fear-lie to eclipse the previous, the biggest lie is yet to come. It is called Build Back Better, and it will unleash a greater terror than any virus or war: nationwide famine.

This dire warning is constructed not on fantasy but fact. As many watchful Americans have noticed during COVID-19, the nation’s grocery stores are not guaranteed to be chock full forever. The threats to Americans’ industrial food supplies are numerous and growing, compounded exponentially by escalating inflation. And whether Biden blames food scarcity on COVID-19, Putin, or Donald Trump, the grumbling bellies of children will be indifferent.

John Klar for Vermont

John Klar with his cattle at his farm in Brookfield

Wise agricultural voices unheeded by the zealotry of AOC have warned for decades that industrial agriculture is unsustainable, but most Americans conflate that term with the push for organics, or GMO-free labeling. The two are related, but the threats to food safety and security are far greater than those issues suggest: America is rapidly moving toward a complete collapse of its entire food production system, now aggravated by uncontrolled inflation.  And since the conflict in Ukraine has very little to do with the underlying causes of U.S. inflation, if it ended tomorrow, American grocery bills will still rise steadily.

Decades of increasing centralization of food production have created an unprecedented threat to Americans and humanity: an utter dependence on fossil fuels for cheap food. This refers not just to diesel fuel for tractors to plow and harvest, but fertilizers manufactured from natural gas and limited natural resources. Forget about the petrodollar: it is time to comprehend the wheatdollar — as input costs rise, food prices will skyrocket, most especially in factory-grain dependent, confined animal feed operations (CAFOs).

This is not an argument to ban all industrial food production — millions would die. But it is folly to become wholly dependent on a system that yields short-term produce but long-term economic collapse. More, the problem is not just monetary — America is desertifying its prime farmlands, to the great peril of future generations: once lost, fertile soils are not easily reclaimed. The consequences of dosing farmland with chemicals for decades have been deteriorating soils, escalating erosion, and a loss of fertility and water retention. Concurrently, our nation’s underground aquifers are steadily diminishing as water is pumped onto the ever-drier ground with ever-thinner soils.

Back to the fear factor.  Americans dizzy with fear-spinning from 911 and the “War on Terror” to date are so conditioned to fake “red lights” and “orange lights” to gaslight them into terror, that they are blind to the very real threat of food system collapse. For years now the rabid left has ideologically pummeled Americans with false fears — a nonexistent “systemic racism,” active shooter drills, and warped reporting on gun violence, hand-wringing, and child-torturing over the End Times Climate Catastrophe.

But the real threat is corporate-dominated food production, enabled by bipartisan legislators for decades. Americans will soon see this growing threat is much more real than yellowcake uranium from Niger.  And the AOC-Biden crew have already revealed their plan to “rescue” Americans by building corporate domination back better — totalitarianism is not complete without controlling food supplies.

Food security will be the future battleground in America. Under Biden, presumably poor black people and QBGLTs will be fed first (not Gates, Pelosi et al). Gun owners will surrender their weapons with a food buy-back plan: most gun owners in the U.S. have never gone one day without food and will surrender security and the Second Amendment for sustenance (unless they are self-reliant for food, something Big Brother does not endorse!).

This is what genuine fear looks like — not crocodile tears for long-dead black slaves, screaming appeals exploiting children, or dramatic calls to end the conflict America seeded in Ukraine.  Those who call to send our young into foreign battle will themselves soon be battling to fill their bellies. Millions of Americans are waking in awareness to the unprecedented threat of famine in the world’s leading economic nation. This folly was avoidable: our vulnerability is by design. As Kissinger said, “Control the oil, control the nations. Control the food, control the people.”

Creepy Joe points to everybody else as the causes of the problems he seeds, whether war, inflation, or Hunter’s laptop. But the unfolding food insecurity and shrunken incomes of the 21st century will not easily be laid at the feet of The Donald — that Trump card has worn very thin.

Increasing local food autonomy is the antidote to corporate dependency — watch Biden and AOC attempt to instead expand central power and domination as part of their great “Green” reset.  It is not about food or the environment whatsoever: it is a coup against the American creed, to impose complete totalitarian rule by these self-proclaimed elites.

Even in America, freedom is not free. And neither is food.

John Klar is an attorney and farmer residing in Brookfield. This commentary originally appeared at American Thinker.

Images courtesy of Public domain and John Klar for Vermont

7 thoughts on “John Klar: Food, famine, fear — Beware the great agricultural reset

  1. John is correct. It takes 100 to 500 years (minimum) to make an inch of top soil. We are destroying it faster then nature can replace it. I probably will not live to see the famine coming, but its a logical result of what we are doing.

  2. It would be wise of everyone reading John’s article, to heed his words.
    When the Great Depression hit, my mother was a young farm girl in Nebraska. Mom said life was no different for them and they had food to eat.
    Although my skills and knowledge to sustain and support my family are nowhere near that of my grandparents, I thank God that I have land, livestock and a blue collar husband who can do anything.

  3. Man you have been sniffing the cow poop much too long. Trump is your hero and Biden your devil. Lord, lord it is amazing what rattles around in your brain. Please use your considerable apparent ability to help our country not demonize it and demoralize us with your proselytizing rhetoric.

    • Please don’t use us when you are babbling about your dislike of John’s written words. All you can do is criticize. I haven’t seen much of any substance from your rebuttal. Our country is in trouble whether you see it or not and Joe Biden with the lead of his handlers has set this country spinning around the drain. Apparently, you are one of the few Biden voters who will admit it. You sir, owe us yes us all an apology.

      • I agree w Dano that Gary should apologize. You’d have to be living under a rock to not understand that John Klar speaks the truth.
        To say someone with the intelligence that Mr.Klar has is proselytizing rhetoric is pretty insulting.. Gary is becoming troll-like here at this point.

    • I think John is on to something.

      Why is Bill Gates buying so much farmland?

      Klaus Schwab told us changes would come on us “like a tsunami.” We should take him at his word. Biden is now warning of a cyberattack– “from Russia,” of course (and the US, with it’s technological sophistication, is powerless to stop this even though we know in advance that it’s coming? Really?) So cyberattack, then more supply chain disruptions and soaring agricultural prices from energy shortages, maybe a new variant? Not next year, maybe, or even the year after; if you’ve waited this long for your dream society, you can wait a bit longer.

      Yes, it may all be a vast conspiracy theory. Or, as Klaus Schwab has told us plainly, it may be all a real conspiracy. We’re going to “build back better.” But you can’t build back better until you first destroy what’s there.

      Even wonder why the Great Reset talks about financial transparency so we can get all the tax cheaters, etc., and make everything equitable and good? You don’t suppose those folks know that the ultra rich have legions of lawyers, accountants, and bankers that would make this supposed transparency that applies to everyone, invisible to them?

      When “we own nothing” but will be happy (so they say) who will actually be owning the things we’ll have to rent? Looks like Gates will be owning the farmland, at least, and we’re supposed to be happy about that.

      Everything will be “necessary” to save the planet, just as everything has been “necessary” to stay safe from Covid. But in both cases the supposed necessity is built on pseudoscience. I’d say the planning and preparation has been in the works for a while: they’ve been feeding us cow poop for a long time.

    • Gary,
      I fully agree with John, and believe he is spot on with his observations. Your pathetic drivel, on the other hand, begs the question “What have you been sniffing?”

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