By Rob Roper

Rob Roper is the president of the Ethan Allen Institute.
This week Vermont House members joined Senate colleagues in proposing new carbon tax legislation based on the ESSEX plan, ultimately a $240 million scheme that would tax gasoline at 32 cents per gallon, 40 cents per gallon for heating oil, and 24 cents for natural gas and propane.
Half of the revenue raised from the tax would be used to subsidize lower electric rates, the other half would pay for low income and “rural” rebates.
Gov. Scott has promised to veto any carbon tax bill that reaches his desk, and recently wrote a letter opposing a proposal to even study the idea of a carbon taxes on Vermonters.
The new House carbon tax bill is H.791, and here’s who sponsored it:
Representatives Copeland-Hanzas (D-Bradford), Burke (P-Brattleboro), Cina (P-Burlington), Colburn (D-Burlington), Deen (D-Westminster), Donovan (D-Burlington), Dunn (D-Essex), Gonzalez (P-Winooski), Hooper (D-Montpelier), Kitzmiller (D-Montpelier), LaLonde (D-South Burlington), McCullough (D-Williston), Mrowicki (D-Putney), O’Sullivan (D-Burlington), Rachelson(D-Burlington), Scheu (D-Middlebury), Sheldon (D-Middlebury), Squirrell (D-Underhill, Stevens(D-Waterbury), Stuart (D-Brattleboro), Sullivan (D-Burlington), Walz (D- Barre City), Webb (D-Shelburne), and Yantachka (D-Charlotte).
Rob Roper is president of the Ethan Allen Institute. Reprinted with permission from the Ethan Allen Institute Blog.
Democrates screwing the middle class Vermonters again this is a good way to put companies like mine out of business.
Gives new meaning to the term CARBON COPY
Maybe these people in Legislature are brain dead or deaf, or just don’t give a crap about the lowly TAXPAYERS in this state! I wish the paper that published this would give a free copy of this article to all these signed up legislators open to the page here where our opinions are!! Obviously they can’t hear us pleading that this is not the way to help VT!! or to keep people from FLEEING the state!! HELP!!
I didn’t know it was possible to get this many bodies into a clown car. When hard-working Vermonters finally rise up, I want the Pike & Pitchfork concession!
They will run people right out of their homes. Especially older retired people.
The only thing between us and this is governor Scott, lets hope he doesn’t cave on this one. This is what happens when representatives don’t know the purpose of their government, they get snookered by Central Planners, pass bad Laws and then let Regional Planners interpret it. Our third rail of power in Vermont is our Regional Planning mechanism, this is where dreams of Central Planners are inserted to enhance sloppily crafted legislation and the worst part is we help them as Towns and citizens by participating in it.
Maybe its time Towns stopped helping them?
Who is going to pay the taxes when this wacko, Communist state runs out of middle class money? Watch the mass exodus when this bill goes into effect. I, for one, will be out of here. Maybe Vermont will turn into a wildlife preserve. Nobody but the animals will be able to live here. Vermont in exchange for ANWR. Hey, that’s a good idea. At least ANWR has oil…..Vermont will have nothing but idiots. Easily expendable.
The New House carbon tax bill is H.791, and here’s who sponsored it:
Representatives Copeland-Hanzas (D-Bradford), Burke (P-Brattleboro), Cina (P-Burlington), Colburn (D-Burlington), Deen (D-Westminster), Donovan (D-Burlington), Dunn (D-Essex), Gonzalez (P-Winooski), Hooper (D-Montpelier), Kitzmiller (D-Montpelier), LaLonde (D-South Burlington), McCullough (D-Williston), Mrowicki (D-Putney), O’Sullivan (D-Burlington), Rachelson(D-Burlington), Scheu (D-Middlebury), Sheldon (D-Middlebury), Squirrell (D-Underhill, Stevens(D-Waterbury), Stuart (D-Brattleboro), Sullivan (D-Burlington), Walz (D- Barre City), Webb (D-Shelburne), and Yantachka (D-Charlotte).
Have these fools been smoking pot before it’s legal , they have to be……. God Help Us !!
Just think about these numbers, they want to attach tax gasoline at 32 cents per gallon, 40 cents per gallon for heating oil, and 24 cents for natural gas and propane.
The Governor says he’ll Veto ……… Time will tell or It’s time to move .
“Time will tell or It’s time to move .”
Sooner or later it’s going to get passed, you’re not going to have a (R) for Gov forever. It’ll pass, home values will plumet and your be stuck holding a bag of &((#^.
Interesting, all these folks want a carbon tax to offset Electric rates. So, you’ll be using MORE electricity.
Last I checked ISO-NE generates a significant amount of electricity from fracked natural gas. One of the by-products of fracked NG is the release of VAST amount of methane. Methane is 100 times more potent then C02 is in terms of the green house effect. In effect this will be a WORSE for global warming. These guys don’t give a rat about global warming, all they want is the revenue to do what they please. Simple extortion with window dressing at best.