AT THE WHITE HOUSE: Stacy Manosh, left, CEO of Johnson Woolen Mills, recently visited the White House to celebrate American business. Standing next to her is U.S. Treasurer Jovita Carranza.
Although news outlets have criticized Vermont businesswoman Stacy Manosh for supporting President Donald Trump’s recent Twitter comments, the Johnson Woolen Mills CEO says she has received far more support from the public than disapproval.
“There are some people that are just nasty, but there is more that have written good things,” Manosh told True North in an interview. “That’s why they call them the silent majority.”
“We’ve gotten a lot of very, very wonderful emails that just said ‘hey, we respect your courage to speak out,'” she said.
Manosh’s clothing company has been in existence since 1842 and has spanned four family generations. The business was featured at the third annual Made in America Product Showcase event on July 15, hosted by President Trump. Manosh met the president as well as CEOs of 49 other top American companies.
But a controversy erupted when she chose to defend Trump’s well-reported combative tweets aimed at four congresswomen — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Ilan Omar, D-MInn., and Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.
….and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 14, 2019
An excerpt of Manosh’s comments made to Business Insider in an email show the Vermont CEO taking on the media for misrepresenting the president’s words:
As usual with all the fake news people, that is NOT what he said. He said, ‘if you are not happy here, you are free to leave.’ There was not one person in the crowd that did not agree with him. When people come to this country LEGALLY, they should not bite the hand that is welcoming them.
The move caused some members of the public to post negative comments about the company on Yelp.
“When wearing Johnson Mills Woolen clothes, I know that I am wearing clothes made by, and for, members of the master race,” posted Dan L from New Haven, CT, who gave the store a 1-star rating, even though he gave no indication he’d ever been to the store.
Of more than a dozen reviews posted, four of them from outside Vermont cite politics as the reason for giving low scores. One of the commenters admits that one hat she purchased from Johnson Woolen Mills was so good that an ex-boyfriend stole it. But then the comment veers into politics and leaves a two-star rating.
Of the remaining reviews, most offer four or five stars.
Despite all the attention, Manosh is not backing down. She maintains that the comments from the president were not out of line.
“My parents must have been racists because when I was growing up I was told if I don’t like it I can leave,” Manosh said. “They totally mischaracterized what [Trump] said. He said, ‘Look, if you are not happy here, if you don’t like it, if it’s bothering you, it’s a free country and you are free to leave.'”
Vermont politicians, including top Republicans, joined the bandwagon in scolding the president for his tweets.
“I find these statements offensive, racist and certainly not what we expect from the leader of the greatest country in the world,” Gov. Phil Scott at a July 17 press conference. “Words matter and we’ve seen the same rhetoric used throughout history to discriminate, degrade and divide.”
Vermont Senate Minority Leader Joe Benning, R-Caledonia, made similar judgments about the president.
“Silence is not part of my DNA in the face of such deplorable remarks. No Republican will find success defending them,” Benning wrote in a commentary.
However, according to a Reuters poll following the tweets, Trump’s support among Republicans rose by 5 percentage points, rising to 72 percent.
Also according to recent polls, Americans are getting tired of excessive political correctness speech codes.
“Fifty-two percent of Americans, including a majority of independents, said they are against the country becoming more politically correct and are upset that there are too many things people can’t say anymore,” NPR reported.
Manosh noted at the White House event that reporters weren’t interested in business innovation, but only talk about racism.
“Here was this wonderful, wonderful event, and when the president opened up to the news media, not one reporter asked a question about why we were there,” she said. “No one asked anything about the companies, they asked nothing about business, they asked nothing about job growth, they asked nothing about the economy, they asked nothing about jobs and businesses coming back to America. Not one reporter asked a question about why we were there.”
Manosh shared what it was like getting to meet the president of the United States.
“It was a wonderful experience,” she said. “The president loves made-in-America products, he loves things like that. And he’s the only one that I know of that has ever done an American products showcase like this.”
Michael Bielawski is a reporter for True North Reports. Send him news tips at bielawski82@yahoo.com and follow him on Twitter @TrueNorthMikeB.
I found Johnson Woolen Mills to be a tad pricey. Then I thought of the Bean store down Maine that sells so much Chinese and other foreign made stuff these days. Tough decision, not.
Hope they’re proud. Johnson mills gonna get the money I savedc quitting cigars,, and then some.
Stacy Manosh… a Vermonter with a brain. AND a business woman who recognizes and no doubt, benefits from, the Trump Economy! Good for Stacy. AND….Trump’s remarks were not racists. Go back to the country from which you came from could apply to ANYBODY who bad mouths America. ANYBODY. It just happened that those in Congress who bad mouth America and actually appear to hater her, are black. If they were white, Trump would have said the same thing. Odd…the America haters always seem to be minorities.
Easy with the broad brush. Just because the likes of Elijah Cummings and the ‘SQUAD” are constantly in the spotlight does not mean that ALL blacks and other minorities are of that mindset. More and more of them are beginning to come around to seeing what’s going on.
The emotional race card is the only one the leftys have left to play. It will lose the 2020 elections for them.
Keep up the good work Stacy and thank you for speaking your mind. You’re running a great american company that make exceptionally good products. All my hunting clothes are Johnson Woolen Mills because I can trust it’s quality.
I too, support Stacey and Johnson Woolen Mills and her courage in speaking out. Many of the ideas put out by “the Squad” are absolutely ridiculous and seem somewhat humorous–until you think about how ridiculous Bernie’s ideas have been for the past 30 years – then realize that many of those ideas are now embraced by the current Democratic candidates. We should keep that in mind as Ilan Omar spouts her anti-Semitic statements in case that thinking becomes part of the Democratic platform.
I have proudly worn Johnson Woolen Mills clothes for over 30 years, because they are good, reasonably priced and THEY ARE MADE IN THE USA.
There is really nothing else to say.
That the CEO happens to be a Republican is of no importance to me.
However, if she were a Bernie-supporting, Socialist Democrat, it is likely her business would NOT have thrived, and the quality of the products made by acid-loving, needy workers would not have been as good, and I likely would not have bought such clothes.
The more Socialism, the higher the trade deficits.
Foreigners, especially China, would like to see Bernie and Warren become President, so the US would become more Socialist and more dysfunctional, and have higher trade deficits.
Wake up people.
Socialist Mexico has allied itself with Socialist Democrats to erase the southern border, send over millions more marginal Mexicans/Hispanics and take back the southern US states that used to belong to Mexico. Democrats want more Democrat votes to permanently control the government.
It’s encouraging to see at least one Vermonter with her head on right and willing to speak up.
It’s encouraging to see at least one Vermonter with her head on right willing to speak up.
Anyone trying to defend the 4 Anti American Squats is as much a enemy
of the state as those 4 are. The vile haters of the left are about out of
talking points *not that they ever had coherent ones* if all they have left
in the deck is the RACE CARD…
Long live the Republic (in spirit) and long live Johnson Woolen Mills, and most important can we have Stacy as our Governor so we can dump the RINO Trump hater ..
There was a time in Vermont’s rich history when, among all the goods carried in a country store, four particular items were deemed essential: Stove Black, Leg Hold Traps, 30-30 Ammunition, and Johnson Woolens.
Now, as then, if the “Country Store” you shop doesn’t have those four essential items, it’s not a real Vermont Country Store–it’s just a boutique that’s sells maple syrup…
Stacy Manosh, keep up the good work and the tradition. You are well supported.
Glad you had the courage to speak up against the lefts false narrative. President Trump wasn’t trying to deport the 4 wacko leftists, he was standing up for our country and trying to make these fools understand they are living in the greatest country on earth.
Interesting to note that none of the reporters were interested in talking about business, at a business event. They wanted to talk about racism.
Everybody is following the handbook, whether they realize it or not. The narrative is totally staged, planned and orchestrated.
That was also the point of papers trying to smear Stacey. The rule book suggests you should publically ask for them to be fired or if they own the company to shame them or drive away their customers, cut off advertisers or tell organizations where they advertise to stop doing business, because for some reason and it can be anything… you’re racist.
Same pattern, over and over and over.
Kudo’s to Stacey for not backing down from bullies. May your business prosper.
Stacy Manosh, keep up the good job and yes there are plenty of Silent Supporters
that the Left doesn’t think exist in Vermont !!
Great article! About a great patriot: Stacy Manosh, who provides wonderful AMERICAN made products!
I’m telling our friends, relatives and neighbors we’re doing our Christmas shopping at Johnson Woolen Mills this year. Many of them plan on doing the same. Thank you for speaking out!
Many thanks to Ms. Manosh for being an inspiration just as Trump has been for those of us discouraged and in despair following the reign of Hussein of misery, smug satisfaction and rise of mob rule by sore losers who clearly blame supporters. The true haters now have turned to violent using domestic terrorists employed by by the left to do their dirtywork. Cannot win unless goalposts are moved and now must tacitly approve of threats of violence to promote fear.
Remarks weren’t racist and neither is DJT.
Right with you Stacy. You have more support than you know
Look at the so-called Republicans in this hippie communist state grovel to the Marxists by distancing themselves from Trump, purely for their own political survival. Disgusting.
Do I hear an AMEN?!
Johnson Woolen Mills and it’s CEO AAA+
Great article, Mike. This really gives us a flavor for the event and for Manosh’s common sense. It also give important context for anyone on the left who is inclined to listen.