A LOT MORE: Vermonters can “expect to pay a lot more in taxes and fees in the future,” Gov. Phil Scott recently said on the radio.
Republican Gov. Phil Scott was guest on “The Morning Drive” radio show this week, and once again sounded the alarm on the legislature’s massive increases in state spending.
The conversation started with the fallout from the recent veto session when state lawmakers were able to easily override his veto over numerous bills, most of them involving new expenditures for taxpayers.
“Even that one day was a bad day for Vermont,” Scott said. “I wasn’t surprised and I don’t want to lament about what could have been, but as a result of their actions Vermonters can expect to pay a lot more in taxes and fees in the future.”
Scott detailed more of the issues that he has with this budget, which will cost up to a half billion dollars in new costs.
“We have more than a $180 million payroll tax for childcare, a $20 million dollar increase in DMV fees for absolutely no reason, and they passed the Clean Heat or ‘Affordable Heat Standard’ that’s going to be hundreds of millions of dollars in the future when that comes to fruition,” he said.
Scott added that a new initiative to buy school lunches for struggling and affluent families alike will result in higher taxes.
“And the increases in property taxes due to the $30 million for school meals for more affluent families — it’s concerning. … All that’s on top of a record surplus for this year.”
There was a surplus
A $400 million surplus in the budget carried over from the year prior, largely due to excess federal money given to the state during the COVID-related shutdowns.
“That’s going to be short-lived,” Scott said. “We’ll see in the next year we’re not going to come anywhere near that and we’ll be fortunate if we don’t have a deficit.”
“So again, the legislature increased spending in the state budget by 13 percent. We admittedly had an 8% increase and I was very uncomfortable with that, and they went above and beyond,” he said.
He said at least $70 million in increased expenditures are among the ‘base budget,’ meaning it’s ongoing costs. That increase will be permanent with each subsequent budget until further policy changes.
Housing will still be tough to build
The governor also noted what was not done by the legislature — namely regulatory reform regarding the housing and construction sectors to make it easier to build new housing.
“There was at least probably a half a dozen other bills that I thought probably should have been vetoed,” Scott said.
He suggested that his office and the legislature struggled to find common ground this session.
“I really strive to work with the legislature. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen this year,” he said. ” … They didn’t negotiate with us, they didn’t talk with us about what we wanted, in fact just the opposite. … They were intoxicated with power and cash this year.”
Has the GOP lost its way?
In a discussion about the current status of the GOP in Vermont, he said he supports more moderate positions compared to many of his colleagues.
“I do believe the Republican Party has lost its way a bit. … I’ll support anyone who wants to stick to the issues, the fundamental fiscal issues that’s a part of our brand, Scott said. “Smaller government, economic development, living within our means, and so forth.
“Most of the Republicans that have stepped up and decided to run have actually turned off a lot of good folks from deciding to run to be perfectly honest, because it’s all about social issues with them.”
Michael Bielawski is a reporter for True North. Send him news tips at bielawski82@yahoo.com and follow him on Twitter @TrueNorthMikeB.
Now there,sounds like alot of smart people in Vt.The old saying UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. Can we level the playing field? Far left in lockstep
I lament the loss of TNR.
Thank you to Bruce Parker, Michael Bielawski, Rob Roper, and Lenore Broughton. You have all done a tremendous service to All Vermonters.
Those who appreciate, those who don’t yet, and those who don’t know better.
G-D willing people wake up very soon, before the reckoning which will come otherwise. When G-D wants our attention, He ramps up His efforts to obtain it. We’re beyond the gentle reminder phase.
TNR deserves sincere and far reaching gratitude. What’s next?
Check out KeepVermontSafe.com
Govern Scott,
Instead of being critical of republican candidates why don’t you dig in and help find viable candidates you think can win. Candidates who will have common sense and fiscal responsibility. You know lots of people across Vermont you could talk to about running. Gov. Jim Douglas would help all of us republicans during his term with fund raising and recruitment. So far from what I have seen you have done very little. This year proved you have to live with your lackadaisical attitude to fellow Vermont Republicans and the party rendering yourself as ineffective. The legislature treated you like an annoyance instead of the CEO of our state.
I still support you because what I saw in the legislature this year convinced me we cannot afford a Dem/Prog super majority in Montpelier. I hope this session convinced you of the same and you will help with election efforts.
As for those in this column who have a defeatist attitude, you aren’t doing our state any favors either. Dem and Progs are relentless, and we should be too. Consider this a war. Are you in the fight or not.
I tried fighting for Vermont, even went as far as challenging Phil for governor. I said I wanted to be a promoter of conservative values and ideas and promote republican candidates. In the primary I believe more democrats voted for Phil than republicans voted for me. Since we’ve reached a point where so many republicans who oppose the radical progressive ideas sit on their hands on election day then there’s nothing left to do sadly. I’ve reached the point where I may have cast my last ballot in this state unless a friend runs.
I’ve seen Phil support insane progressive ideas that no true republican would ever support and he’s the hope for the GOP?
You mean his support for The Biden and inviting the CCP into the State House in February 2019? Clear to me which side he is on. The money speaks volumes over any values he pretends to have – what are his thoughts on 10% Joe now that the Truth is pouring out?
If they don’t teach you about communism in school, you may end up living it. It is the natural tendency of unaccomplished humans to desire the wealth and power of their more successful fellow citizens. What better excuse has ever existed than the “fair share” argument for taxation, seizure, and nationalization.
That is the nature of the human being. He is driven by greed, jealousy and a lust for power. The boys running this State are no different. The only way to keep them in check is to uphold freedom and teach its importance to schoolchildren by contrasting it to communism. We better do it soon before each of us ends up with a daily routine sitting on a park bench imbibing our daily government-granted ration of Vodka. And nobody wants to work because there is nothing to gain.
That’s how it is in communist countries. Take it from me – been there and done that.
“Vermonters can expect to pay more”…..only because he’s not really FOR less govern ment, but FOR increasing govern ment. increasing taxes, price of goods, heating fuel, yet “vetoes” because it makes him feel good thinking we’re all stupid??? Like ol Shumlin, ” i’ll put a freeze on new state hires once i’m in” well, what was it,,,3 months later, after he was in he put on 60 new state employees,,,, then pissed and moaned about the shortfall the folowing year and they couldn’t pay the bills? He knows darn well what will and does happen, how else will he / they pay for what THEY have created??? crying babies always get what they want these days. Justice is coming, soon I hope. Sad, what’s happening here now.
Phil could be a LOT more vocal about the state of the State. Most folks voting Dem don’t even know what’s happening, I think? It must be that because nothing else makes sense.
Its because Dems just throw money around they don’t have. When the progressives lose the world currency status that’s when the country will be in crisis mode. They just don’t get it.
You are the first person I have seen to note this issue here. Had to look up my letter to Chairman Lew at Treasury, of 19 June 2014 bringing up this issue. His reply basically stated it was not their issue of concern.
Why would a good reasonable conservative want to serve, Then have to listen to all the BS and always fails to be heard and actually listened to? Then always have your vote not count for anything.
a Senior Vt. Senator,( Democrat ) advised me last year to sell my large Industrial and Commercial Real Estate, including my house and get out of Vt., while I could sell the holdings. He said the Socialists have the power and there’s no turning back . Businesses will leave due to cost of operation and no your help because those with value will leave . He said the State will be a population of old people, some requiring assistance and the State will be Bankrupt The Socialists want Control and they’ll have it.. I have followed the suggestion, have sold RealEstate totaling Millions and moved out of State. Many like me would like to assist the State, but like me have departed. I am in the process of assisting my Children and Grandchildren towards moves out of State
Interesting. I heard a story in 2020 of a long time local Democrat representative telling someone here the same thing. He is the same one with the pride and blm signs plastered all over his lawn. They know exactly what they are doing and they are gutless, coward, traitors for going along to get along (and scoop up the fringe benefits!) Woe onto them. War crimes are serious business and carry heavy penalties. The line is drawn in sand. Those who leave, I wish them the best of luck. No lunatic fringe or war criminals will drive me away from my home – those who died defending this land shall not have died in vain. The war is real.
Where’s my comment? Getting moderated again? You know you comment is getting “moderated” when things happen instantly and you don’t see it, there is no pause. So far most of not all the comments get posted. Not sure what triggers the system.
The legislature is indeed drunk with power because they know they have a veto proof majority and they can do anything they want. But the voters of VT voted for this so what can I say? The left won’t stop till they’ve bankrupted the state and filled it with drug addicts and homeless. And it’s not just Scott’s fault; I’d concur that most of the Republican candidates haven’t been worthy of support. A few were great but most were pretty weak.
What are we to do when we are tapped out and there are still more bills coming due?? I am glad he does not want to lament, but maybe he ought to start figuring out what the overtaxed over spent regular taxpayers are going to do when the crap hits the fan!! hello hello anyone listening???
what do you do? Go on social services….that’s the plan. Own nothing and be happy. It’s the plan he voted for when he voted for Joe Biden, declaring for all of Vermont and the Country to know…..
Own nothing and be happy, that’ what he voted for. What do you expect?
It’s the plan to flip the country to socialism, they do this with everytime, as Cuba, Venezuela..etc. etc….
It’s free money! lol….
It’s time to say goodbye. I only hope i can afford to leave because i sure won’t be able to pay to stay. Sad times we are living in.
“I’ll support anyone who wants to stick to the issues, the fundamental fiscal issues that’s a part of our brand”, Scott said. Since when is a republican voting for Joe Biden part of the Republican brand? Or adding unlimited abortion to our constitution as well as unconstitutional gun laws. How about supporting critical race theory, equity and inclusion BS and supporting unconstitutional lock downs. This man can’t see his own faults for running the brand into the ditch. He also failed to support good candidates and has no leadership skills for bringing the republican party back. All he does is blame his faults on other people. So sick of the whining, act like the republican you are supposed to be. His brand of republican is heavy on the RINO and borderline democrat.
So true!!
Yeah Dano, I was about to write similar.
Politics is war, it’s one side battling the other for power and control.
And one side in Vermont is way out there winning. So what he’s saying is that when people on the Republican side get that, are fighting back, and are attempting to solve what is a coming crisis- he then says “They’ve lost their way”.
People on the right that are fighting back a Communist takeover are being called ‘right wing extremists’ simply for trying to NOT have this take over happen- or continue- in some aspects.
And no one can deny this is going on!
Why the heck do they think Vermont is a one party state? and look at what this has cost ALL PEOPLE. The loss of genuine checks and balances by a legitimate two party state has much to do with why this mess rages on.
Phil doesn’t seem to understand his huge role in creating the mess that Vermont finds itself in.
He was “going along to get along” WITH COMMUNISTS when he should have been wielding every ounce of power he had to fight what they were doing.
He would have had incredible support in doing this and he would have actually grown the party over there had he gone that way.
He’s been incredibly passive as the state was taken over..
HE is the one that fully supported a Covid SCAM- that is being revealed by the day AS A SCAM and then came the payout of dirty money these bastids were all after…
Not all states did.. NH didn’t play that game to the degree Vermont did, he didn’t have to do that.
But he did.. and then he appears shocked that these evil scumbags were drunk on power and have totally steamrolled right over him and any opposing voices.
What he did was give crack to an addict and now he’s surprised they got baked and wrecked the car.
Well duh..
He’s been utterly blind, weak at a time where strength was needed and totally lacking of the ability to be politically strategical- and it’s cost the people their state.
The term, “All hat, no cattle” comes to mind. You explained it quite well. He’s way above our pay grade and collects that check every two weeks while the rest of us live paycheck to paycheck and worse. The troubles that we feel are not felt by the ruling class. What doesn’t affect them doesn’t concern them either. We wouldn’t want to hurt their ego by actually forcing them to listening to us little people. I’m almost certain that they don’t read the comment section here.
“I do believe the Republican Party has lost its way a bit “. Hello ! Hello ! Anybody home? You’re half the reason, Scott.
Just a bit?
Can’t collect blood from a stone. I notice less traffic at peak times this summer – a time many people go out for dinner, go to the movies, get an ice cream, or any summer day or evening activity. No traffic, no commerce, no revenue. It’s the same eery silence during the plandemic months every day of the week. The weekends, it is very noticable. People are tapped out and it’s getting worse. Watch the defaults and delinquencies skyrocket.