By Henry Rodgers
Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez released a statement attacking the condition of the U.S. and the lack of freedom across the country on the Fourth of July.
“Thousands of children have been separated from their parents at our southern border. At our highest court, workers’ rights are being taken away, voting rights are under assault, Muslim Americans are being discriminated against for their faith, and women’s right to choose is under threat like never before,” Perez said in a statement.
Perez also stated that on Independence Day, too many Americans are out of jobs and can’t receive health care. The unemployment rate in the U.S., however, is the lowest it’s been in 18 years under President Donald Trump, and black unemployment has also dropped to 6.8 percent, the lowest since 1972.
“As we celebrate our nation’s independence, we recognize that America’s founding promise remains out of reach for too many families. Too many members of our society are still struggling to find a good-paying job or get the health care they need. Too many women, LGBTQ Americans, people of color, and people with disabilities still face inequality and injustice across our society,” Perez continued.
Republicans released a much different statement Wednesday, with a positive message honoring those who fought to make a America a free nation, as well as thanking service members for their dedication to the U.S.
“As we celebrate more than two centuries of independence, we honor the patriots who declared America a free nation in 1776,” Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement. “We also remember and thank our service members for their lasting dedication and countless sacrifices to guard our liberties.”
McDaniel stated the RNC would “uphold America’s founding principles and continue to fight for our inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all.”
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Every point in the following statement by the DNC is a lie or misrepresentation.
“Thousands of children have been separated from their parents at our southern border. At our highest court, workers’ rights are being taken away, voting rights are under assault, Muslim Americans are being discriminated against for their faith, and women’s right to choose is under threat like never before,” Perez said in a statement.
Here is the statement reconstructed with the truth. “Immigration policy is the same as it has been for many years and the democrat party refuses to do anything about it including when they controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress just a few years ago. The Supreme Court has ruled that unions can no longer confiscate money from non-union members and spend it to elect democrats. Good people are understandably hesitant about Muslims because they don’t necessarily assimilate and cause much of the trouble in the world. The Supreme Court has decided that free speech includes pro-life clinics not being forced by the government to advertise for state-sponsored abortions.
What else do you expect from the Hate Mongers !! They have nothing to run on so they
slam everything good for the Country.
Democrats = Socialist = Destruction of there Party ( Good ) So keep leaning left !!
What else do you expect from these socialist. There is no such thing as democrats anymore. Only hate monging liberal/socialist.
Hate. The Democrat message is nothing but hate. That’s all they have, I guess. Hate.