Editor’s note: This commentary is by Deb Billado, chairwoman of the Vermont GOP.
Yes, you have read that right. And yes, I am still the chairwoman of the Vermont GOP Committee, and no, those are not my words or belief. They belong to the mob of hate-crazed, fear-driven people who have become deranged because he upset their dreams (our nightmare) of electing crooked Hillary Clinton. Who could have imagined the anger, violence and insanity, acted out by many left-wing hatemongers calling even for his assassination because their candidate lost? Space will not allow me to list all the hateful things said and done to this President and his family. We can only speculate on each individual’s reasons for this intense reaction, but you can be sure there are many who are concerned that this principled man can’t be bought. With his election there comes a bright light that will be shined on the entire matter to find the truth and to reveal the conspirators. When that light is properly directed, shines on who put the collusion with Russia lie in motion, who swore to it, who furthered it with the FISA Court, as we follow the money, we will find, no doubt, that their intentions were evil and surely had nothing to do with protecting the integrity of our elections.

Deborah Billado is chairwoman of the Vermont GOP.
The web of wrongdoing, conspiracy, plotting and planning is too expansive to cover in this message, but suffice it to say that crimes have been committed, the Constitution has been assaulted by those who swore to defend and protect it, and now it is a matter of whether or not the truth will be revealed and who will go to jail. We look to our new Attorney General, Bill Barr, to ensure that justice will be served.
Shocked at the result of the election, Congressional Democrats immediately put into play a desperate, coup like attack on our duly elected President. What did they have to lose? They were spending our taxpayer money (not their own), making headlines for themselves, knowing that if they did not do this it would only be a matter of time before they would be revealed for the lustful greedy politicians that they were and removed.
These control hungry, upper middle-class political elites knew that their hard work trying to step by step move America toward embracing anti-American, socialistic thinking was in deep trouble. At his 2019 “State of the Union” address, the President said the United States will never become a socialist country. Vice-President Pence has said the same. It gave me great pleasure when I saw the dismayed face of Vermont’s socialist Senator Bernie Sanders as he grimaced when the President made that declaration. The wise statesman and leader, Winston Churchill has said of socialism that it “is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” He also forewarned that “Socialism is like a dream. Sooner or later you wake up to reality.” That reality can be seen in other countries that embraced socialism. Venezuela, once, with its massive oil reserves, was one of the richest nations in their hemisphere, but now they are a failed state and their people are suffering and destitute.
The left, for the past two and one half tortuous years, after succeeding in getting a special counsel appointed to investigate Russia collusion in the 2016 election, became fixated on impeaching the President, even though they could not define any wrong he had committed rising to the level of high crimes or misdemeanors required by the Constitution. For over two years we saw a figurehead Republican Special Council, Robert Mueller, helped (I should probably say controlled) by his staff of more than a dozen very able lawyers, many being liberal Democrat activists, who tried to build a case against the President. Even with the cards stacked that way, they could not find anything to charge Donald Trump with. You know they would have if they could have! Even knowing the there was not there on Russia collusion or obstruction, they unwisely brought Mr. Mueller before Congress to testify in the hope that he would contradict the findings of the report. We witnessed his feeble form and testimony before Congress that revealed he barely knew what happened in the investigation and obviously was not the person directing its conduct or writing the four-hundred-page report.
The report has been filed and revealed to us all and nothing new has been learned that would suggest the President did anything wrong, yet they continue to persecute him. They keep fishing, without probable cause, harassing him constantly for his private tax returns, looking for any possible wrong he might have committed somewhere in his seventy years of life and many successful business ventures. They accuse him of using his office to further his business interests, and yet he does not take his deserved salary, has disassociated himself from control of his businesses and his net worth has dramatically shrunk since he was elected.
Do they have any other options than to impeach the President? Maybe they could work with him to accomplish great things for America. Maybe even work with him to secure the crisis plagued southern border. Nah! That would be the right thing to do, would be patriotic and we know they are not capable of that. Surely makes an observer think that they must hate America. They even refuse to give him credit for anything and so, as I have said, “President Trump has it wrong on everything” in the minds of these hateful, fearful, people. I said it and I believe it and next week I will talk to you about the many wonderful things our President has accomplished that the blinded left-wing Democrats cannot see.
Thanks Deb for saying it like it is. The democrats have truly lost their way. We really need term limits to get rid of the Leahy’s and Sanders of the Senate and congress. It’s all about power and not serving their citizens as they took an oath to do.
Trump may be an arrogant a-s that can’t control his mouth but he’s done more for this country in the first six months than his predecessor did in eight years. He’ll have my vote..
The Russian colusion witch hunt didn’t work, now it’s racism with impeachment attempts next. Will it ever end??? Like it or not Trump is the President for ALL Americans. If enough folks object, there is a process call elections which are available to all interested citizens. Unfortunately for the haters their choises in 2020 are either give the store away socialists or you never heard of them moderates. The lead guy can barely remember where he was yesterday.
Doesn’t it amaze you that these haters would rather have things happen against their better financial interests than support our President in the good things he is doing for all Americans? How can irrational hate cause them to be blind to the good things happening? You said you would be writing more next week about the many wonderful things President Trump has done that the blind left cannot see. I look forward to reading that.
We all need to give President Trump credit for what he has done, and that includes many of our so-called Republicans who suffer the same blindness as the left. While you might be able to somewhat understand why Democrats would play politics here in Vermont capitalizing on the incessant smearing of the President, there is no excuse for elected Republican leaders to join in just so they can get some Democrats to give them permission to stay in office (as long as they don’t get out-of-line). These Republicans should choose to support the President, keep their mouths shut if they cannot or go back where they belong (in the morally bankrupt Democrat Party.)
The DNC attempt, implemented in collusion with the FBI – the “insurance policy” – was to entrap the Trump campaign through attempts by falsely gained FISA investigation and FBI affiliated false “Russians” into an orchestrated appearance of collusion to be “discovered” too close to the election (Harry Reid tactic) to be refuted. Its certainty of success was based on the mistaken belief that Trump was as corrupt, as venal and as dumb as Hillary.
Minor critique: You omitted avaricious, amoral, unethical and underhanded.
Just sayin’… But any honest objective observer already knew HRC for what she is.
Thank you for saying what needs to be said. These democrats have no idea what’s coming their way when the illegal Russian hoax is exposed. Why is Nadler working overtime to find something on the president? I have been following the investigation of the investigators very closely. The end is near for many who were involved in this treason from the top on down. While the left only hears and reads those singing to their choir they ignore the lawlessness of their own government over truth and justice. They would rather break all laws to keep their failed ideology in place. Imagine the turmoil when they learn who will be going to the federal prison for their deeds to bring down a duly elected president. I can’t wait to see them suffer politically and emotionally in disbelief. It’s coming!!!!
Look no further than the Hartford mess to see that mentality / ideology in action. I’ve never seen such a brainwashed collection of fools in one assembly—from the Selectboard on down.
I’ve come to believe that if trump is not reelected this Republic will come to an end in my lifetime. And I’m 72.
Edward, I share the same concerns but it will not be lost without a fight. Sadly I fear regardless of the election a war is brewing. I hope I am wrong.
When asked what form of gov’t we had Ben Franklin replied
” A Republic if you can keep it.”
It’s sad but I believe you may be right. This hateful rhetoric cannot go on forever.
Deb, you’re correct with your analogy of the ” Left ” They all have a case of ( TDS )
Trump Derangement Syndrom ” and as all can see, it’s terminal.
I really hope the Democrats go full throttle on ” Impeachment ” as that will be the
last nail in their coffin before 2020 Election ……….