RUTLAND — This week on PEGTV’s “Straight Talk” hosted by Don Chioffi, conservative radio talk show host Hal Shurtleff said Vermont’s property rights are under attack by local planning commissions.
Many people know Shurtleff as the founder of Camp Constitution, a Judeo-Christian family values-based educational program located in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. On Tuesday, however, the talk show host visited PEGTV studios in Rutland to sound the alarm on the threat Vermonters face with regard to property rights.

New England conservative radio talk show host Hal Shurtleff, right, appeared on PEGTV’s “Straight Talk” with host Don Chioffi, center. At left is Wallingford resident and property rights advocate Lynn Edmunds.
During the televised program, Chioffi and Shurtleff were joined by Wallingford resident and businessman Lynn Edmunds.
Edmunds has been fighting to make the Wallingford Planning Commission more transparent, especially in what he views as its implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 action items.
According to Shurtleff, Agenda 21, a document created at the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992, is being adopted by local planning commissions throughout the Green Mountain State.
This U.N. international effort, Shurtleff said, employs stealth means of change under the euphemism of “sustainable development” to restrict individual property rights and other basic freedoms under the U.S. Constitution.
The 351-page long Agenda 21 document covers four primary sections: “Social and Economic Dimensions” focuses on consumption patterns, promoting health, achieving a more sustainable population, and sustainable settlement in decision making; “Conservation and Management of Resources for Development” is about marine, terrestrial and atmospheric environments, controlling human population, and restricting biotechnology and nuclear technology; “Strengthening the Groups” aims to give more voice to children and youth, women, NGOs, local authorities, business and industry, workers, indigenous peoples and farmers; and “Means of Implementation” looks at science and technology transfers along with means of expanding education in less developed nations.
While the U.S. is signatory to Agenda 21, the U.N. document is not legally binding under American law.

Hal Shurtleff: “There are certain key words used in planning that are the red flags of this (internationalist) movement, such as sustainable development, smart growth, and charrette meetings.
Shurtleff said that the 1992 U.N. summit proposed more centralized, socialistic controls of land development on the local level. The planning is dictated not by the stakeholders involved — such as landowners and other citizens — but by internationalist and Third World interests, with the financial help of the U.S. and other First World governments.
“I started connecting the dots when I was a soldier in Germany,” Shurtleff told Chioffi. “A friend of mine loaned me a book about the U.N. which, at the time, I didn’t know much about. But I learned that American Alger Hiss, a former Soviet agent [convicted of perjury], was the secretary-general to the U.N. Charter Conference and with a Russian national helped draft the charter. I wondered what good could possibly come from the pen or the mind of a Soviet- Stalinist agent?”
Shurtleff said that his study of the U.N. Charter revealed that it is “diametrically opposed” to the U.S Constitution, especially regarding the rights of men and women.
“The U.S. Constitution sees our rights as coming from God. The U.N. Charter sees human rights as coming from government,” he said.
Shurtleff outlined how Agenda 21 action items are finding their way to local planning commissions. He noted that while many Vermont planning commissions instill what they think are benign controls over local residents, they are instead implementing an internationalist, environmental agenda which, in the end, restricts or removes American rights.
“There are certain key words used in planning that are the red flags of this movement, such as sustainable development, smart growth, and charrette meetings,” he said. “‘Sustainability’ is a perfectly fine word, but buzz terms like these often obscure the real intent behind them.”
“There are many Vermonters who are globalists and like this kind of internationalism,” he added. “This all trickles down from federal agencies to statewide and even local commissions.”

Lynn Edmunds: “We discovered local citizens didn’t have a role in the new town plan. We had no authority to have an impact on our land rights, which are being restricted.”
Of special concern to Shurtleff and Edmunds is the influence of Agenda 21 on Vermont’s Act 250 land use and planning law. Established in 1970, Act 250 is now under consideration for updated revisions.
Edmunds said he became concerned when he saw the Wallingford Planning Commission moving ahead with plans without proper input by residents.
“Our property rights are being eroded, and I only became involved when Wallingford officials were seeking re-certification of the town plan,” he said.
In particular, he noted all the changes in the plan compared to 50 years ago.
“What jumped out at me was Wallingford’s old town plan, which was 78 pages long. It was actually somewhat useful to landowners … and there was language in it that cited citizen involvement regarding voting on zoning regulations. But … we discovered local citizens didn’t have a role in the new town plan. We had no authority to have an impact on our land rights, which are being restricted. We had voted by Australian ballot in the past, so we had to petition for the ballot to be reinstated once again.”
According to Edmunds, the move to push people away from voting on regulations began decades ago. That left an opening for town decisions to be made by political groups.
“Only special interest groups are controlling the process of land use and regulations now,” he said. “So, our petition for an Australian ballot ended up being successful for town planning and zoning. And this Town Meeting day, why, we’ll even be talking about putting the town budget on Australian ballot.”
Edmunds added that only citizen involvement can stop Vermont’s slide toward centralized, non-democratic control. Both Shurtleff and Edmunds urged local citizens to become more aware of internationalist efforts to subvert local control over state and municipal matters.
“This effort reminds Wallingford residents that having a say in local planning should be an example of a direct democracy not a representative one,” Edmunds said.
Following his PEGTV appearance, the property rights advocate met with parents of homeschoolers and other interested local residents at the Rutland Area Christian School located on Lincoln Avenue in Rutland City.
Shurtleff’s appearance in Rutland was made possible by the Vermont Good Neighbor Project.
Lou Varricchio is a freelance reporter for True North Reports. Send him news tips at
If any doubt exists as to the extent of what has been discussed here, the link below will bring you to Rosa Koire’s recommended pages where you ucan see for yourself. Into the rabbit hole……..
This link may not work if you don’t use Twitter. It’s in Germany w/subtitles; shows how epidemic this crap is.
Speaking of Twitter……. I just now came across this one:
The tool being used to facilitate the aggression against property rights and personal liberties worldwide, and being experienced first hand by Vermonters at this very moment.
This vid was shot next door in MAINE five years ago, has been available since then on YouTube and on disc via Charlotte Iserbyt’s site, findable by a search using just her name. Another amazing woman.
The crankyoldgeezer must be losing it. This is a redundant post of another further down the page.
My apologies.
At the risk of further redundancy, here’s a list of Iserbyt’s relevant videos by more troublesome women on YouTube:
Thank you for moving this forward and making it public. I was really concerned when I have not seen any information. Those like Dick McCormick are spinning this under the “new” Act 250! Keep this coming!
You asked for it. Here are two more. A simple web search for “Iserbyt” will turn up a slew more– all relevent.
This is more from the Georgia lady:
This particular one deals with the methodology involved:
Measuring Attitudes, Values and Opinions is NOT what educational assessments are intended to be. In fact, these assessments can’t be legitimately quantified, which is why the PA Dept. of Education and other school systems across the country are trying to emphasize them. There is no success or failure. There is no accountability.
This is not to say that academic assessments determining grade level performance in English, Math and Science should be discounted too. In fact, the education establishment is pushing the Attitude, Value and Opinion assessments as a diversion designed to take the focus away from legitimate academic assessments.
Like Ms. Weatherly’s remarks below, these very carefully constructed videos are, I suspect, promoted by the very education establishment one would think, at first blush, the remarks are intended to criticize. Again, this is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Caveat emptor.
“Like Ms. Weatherly’s remarks below, these very carefully constructed videos are, I suspect, promoted by the very education establishment one would think, at first blush, the remarks are intended to criticize. Again, this is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Caveat emptor.”
Taken in the context of Outcome Based Education, which relies on Assessment early on and pigeon holing the student to a predestined career, she makes total sense. This is about stifling any latent self determination tendencies a kid might have in order to steer him/her (the only relevant pronouns) on a path to suit the educorporate hierarchy. If that concept is foreign to you, then there’s some research and reading to be done.
The point is that Ms. Weatherly’s point of view is the epitome of ‘…pigeon holing the student to a predestined career”. She is the manifestation of that which she claims to abhor.
The only way to avoid educational ‘pigeon holing’ of any kind is through equally subsidizing School Choice, Home-schooling, Charter Schools and the like on the same plane as the current public school monopoly. Let parents choose the educational program that best meets their children’s needs…and trust them to make the best decision in that regard.
OK, I’ll spell it out for you.
The purpose of their effort is to bring to light the tying of funding of any sort to influencing/controlling the educational entities.
The parents involved are very often unaware of what goes on behind the scenes, or that their “choices” can be / will be limited at the whim of UNACCOUNTABLE bureaus/boards that are unapproachable.
It’s all about sovereignty, local or individual control. If you do not favor such, we have nothing left to discuss.
I think you’re misunderstanding me.
Sovereignty and individual control are manifest in School Choice vouchers.
If “the parents involved are … unaware of what goes on behind the scenes, or that their “choices” can be/will be limited at the whim of UNACCOUNTABLE bureaus/boards that are unapproachable”, that’s their problem. All you can do is warn them.
On the other hand, Ms. Weatherly believes School Choice vouchers are as evil a path to slavery as these unaccountable ‘bureaus/boards’ of which you speak. I’ve served on local public and private school boards and, believe me, they are every bit as totalitarian as Federal and State bureaucracies.
The only way to true liberty and freedom is through School Choice vouchers. Let parents choose their poison, offer advice along the way (or not), and bid them the best of luck in their endeavor.
On the other hand, Ms. Weatherly believes vouchers are as evil a path to slavery as unaccountable ‘bureaus/boards’ of which you speak. I’ve served on local school boards and they are every bit as totalitarian as the Federal and State bureacracies.
These two hot link to Charlotte Iserbyt’s site. Her own background re this topic far exceeds either yours or mine. Page search “voucher” on both to get to the relevant material and maybe begin a new entry at topic top to facilitate any further tit/tat– assuming, that is, that you still require clarification of the dangers of vouchers and unaccountable-to-voters “boards” such as the “State Superintendent” of education currently being pushed.
I hope that NOW a bit of light may be shining through.
I chose to view this from the list of videos in my reply to Neil. If you view no other, take the time for this one.
Not three minutes in, this woman mentions the Delphi Technique. I recommend learning what it is and how it’s being used constantly to manipulate us. Rosa Koire’s video in the same list goes in depth on the subject. With this under your belt you will begin to see things with a far greater clarity.
Great video….thank you. Shows how many of our leaders on both sides are not defending and representing the people. Interesting insight on vouchers…
There’s more. So many issues to deal with but this one is, as they say, “fundamental”. Try to find the time to view this subsequent one. And the buzz words, listen for them, so many are heard right here in Vermont.
Bear in mind this vid is from FIVE YEARS AGO! She could just as well be addressing the current dialog right here in Vermont. It should jar to full awake every parent whether home schooler or not.
The first 5 minutes of this are very scary….and it’s accurate. Assessment…what is your child worth to the collective. Jay has some good points below.
But think about this, we have all this stuff surrounding education, now this is for elementary school and high school, the outcome of controlling the population and more accurately indoctrinating our kids rather than education is why things are so “complicated” and there is so much study on things that are not really rocket science, but it is essential.
Friends of mine who are in their 20’s are getting “news” from media matters,, democratic socialists….they think this is unbiased news, this is the same thing they will be doing in the education via computers.
Other friends have students in Harwood. They do “research” papers where they provide all the sources, too funny. Then they talk about such things as how wearing a hajib is religious freedom.
She speaks about education before 1965 and how it’s better, and these people are far better off, more so with civics and they are the ones holding this country together.
Her talking about how information on computers is dangerous as you don’t know sources, etc. (they also can change things without people knowing), she does seem abit anti home schooling. But please, this is basic education…..probably can be done far better at home, clearly we’re getting massive indoctrination because they are totally revamping our education system, we’d probably be better off using books from the 1890’s than current texts, they are setting traps for us every where, because the proof is in the pudding, the fruit tells you what type of tree you’re dealing with and the end result is we’re getting really bad, rotten fruit, regardless of the “sausage factory” our education system is going through. She does bring up some concerns, which are perhaps a couple of leaps ahead of where we currently headed….I think she see’s us becoming like China’s education system with a bit, the graph of how we’re eliminating the 3 r’s is relevant and scary, scary, scary graph, with clever and misleading titles. Her defense of choice shouldn’t be paid by public money has some merit, but the problem is the tax dollars have become insane, the average person does NOT have a choice, from basic economics. If people were even given 50% of their taxes for education or childs education expense, the exodus from public education would be massive and you can hear her fear about that. Great video, again thanks. Jay, great points…’s clear from what she’s saying we’re paying waaaay too many people to study, think tank or school boards than we really need.
Please don’t take what I’m about to say personally because it’s perfectly understandable why listening to Cynthia Weatherly’s rap may, at first blush, seem convincing. But listen to her carefully. Ms. Weatherly is the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing – clearly, she believes parents are unqualified to make reasonable decisions on behalf of their own children and, therefore, they should be prohibited from doing so.
Psychological Projection is an interesting phenomenon. It’s a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. We all do it. For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. For Ms. Weatherly to claim that School Choice or Home-schooling is an educational trojan horse is a Psychological Projection incorporating that blame shifting and Cynthia Weatherly’s continued remarks are an excellent example of it.
While Ms. Weatherly, and you and I may differ on what we believe is the best education for our children – because, after all, no two people ever agree 100% on the matter – School Choice vouchers, Home-schooling and Charter Schools at least give us the opportunity to march to the beat of our own drummer without affecting one another. Ms. Weatherly, on the other hand, is hell bent on denying all options to anyone who might differ with her point of view and choose otherwise.
After wading thru the psychobabble I finally get to where you conflate vouchers, home schooling and charter schools. Had you been paying closer attention, you might have noticed that the issue is the loss of control due to acceptance of state/federal moneys — which gives the state/fed a say, an influence in the affairs of said school.
The gist of the presentation is resistance to the toxic influence of state and federal agencies and programs on the developing minds of our young people. Try nit picking this presentation by my all time favorite lesbian, Rosa Koire:
This woman knocks it out of the park, I’m completely smitten. They will never let this video on Vermont Digger! This woman would be the Kryptonite for the VNRC and VPIRG. Oh my God….this woman is a liberty goddess… growth. I’m giddy just watching this, bring it home Rosa! She’s tieing it all together… goes right to Vermont’s new “Regional Planning Commission”. She’s laying out what is happening in Vermont and how EVERY minion from our Governor on down are drinking the A21 Kool Aid…no matter where you live it never snow or rains and you’re going to be getting their on your bike! If there’s one video for people to watch, oh my. I’m 30 minutes in….great, great video crankyoldgeezer…5 stars!
Compare this woman to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez….one has a mind, another has clearly taken the UN koolaid.
I feel so much better about railing against grants and the regional planning commission at town meetings….she knows her stuff in real estate, she’s nailing all the corruption with affordable housing rip off we’re currently experiencing. What would happen to our legislators watched this video! Regional Government….shadow government sold as an economic driver….they’re doing it TODAY in the Mad River Valley…she’s right we don’t talk to each other. This is our problem in Vermont, it’s anti Vermont for sure, but our plan! You can’t share you opinions in the meeting…
I see what you were saying about Delphi, I’m getting a new book for sure! Can we have her talk about trains in Vermont????? Oh my word, best video, best video…..schools closed in rural areas, hello Vermont! We’re closing roads in my town…thank you, thank you, thank you for this video.
I paid very close attention!
If, indeed,”… the issue is the loss of control due to acceptance of state/federal moneys”, how in the world can you accept Ms. Weatherly’s contention that a local public school monopoly provides more control?
The point of School Choice vouchers is that Federal and State control (not to mention the tyranny of a locally elected school board) stops at the door once the voucher goes to the parents. What parents choose for their children using that benefit is their business alone – not yours, not mine, not Ms. Weatherly’s, and certainly not the business of Federal, State or local oligarchies.
Again, please don’t misconstrue my thoughts on this matter. I agree, with Rosa Koire’s perspective on the U.N. and the new ‘world order’. Agenda 21 is a scam. It’s tantamount to Rod Serling’s Twightlight Zone episode ‘How to Serve Man’. Agenda 21 is the Twightlight Zone cookbook…and we are the globalist’s meal.
What surprises me about this forum is that Ms. Koire shares the same podium as Ms. Weatherly.
Charlotte Iserbyt’s background re this topic far exceeds either yours or mine. The two hot links are to her web site. where her book, “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” (downloadable) has been available for years. I doubt anyone here has read it, or even heard of it.
Page search “voucher” on both to get to the relevant material and maybe begin a new entry at topic page top to facilitate any further tit/tat– assuming, that is, that you still require clarification of the dangers of vouchers and unaccountable-to-voters “boards” such as the “State Superintendent” of education currently being pushed. There’s far too much centralization of power and control going on, and not just in Vermont.
I hope you’re still considering this issue because these citations are nothing more than conspiracy theories with no alternatives. What are these ‘experts’ saying we should do?
Let me put it this way. If someone, anyone, is compelled to assist their neighbor in the education of their neighbor’s children (for whatever reason, by whatever private means available to them, and for whatever nature that education program may be), should they be allowed to do so?
This followup video discusses some “tinfoil hat” issues that relate to how much information has been subject to government coverup. If nothing else, it serves to demonstrate the extent of information control that has existed for longer than many of us have been alive.
Well he lost me on President Obama saving us and turning things around, he’s a self professed “organizer”….the Roswell stuff, not sure why that’s in here, he does cover some obvious things that make a ton of sense. Love how he talks about NWO, also being used by Hitler…would love to get a clip of that, along with daddy Bush talking about it openly…..I love how he says Obama should cancel TPP….pretty prophetic there. He seems a bit “socialist”, haves and have nots….we do have some greedy self serving men pulling too many strings, no doubt about that.
This video ties in pretty well with agenda 21, it shows and explains the road map of how to subvert a country/state/people. It shows how to destroy a perfectly good Republic.
This is one of the Best, Best articles that demonstrates what is going on in our state. If we had a population that was educated in basic civics, there would be an uproar about what is going on. Our education system is unfortunately undermining our country. Most don’t know the difference between a Constitutional Republic and a Democracy, the difference is huge and our founding fathers rightfully avoided one like the bubonic plague it is.
“Our education system is unfortunately undermining our country. Most don’t know the difference between a Constitutional Republic and a Democracy, the difference is huge and our founding fathers rightfully avoided one like the bubonic plague it is.”
How many parents are doing anything about it, or are even aware? The apparent lack of interest is f***ing pathetic.
The answers/solution lie here:
Need hard copy? Try some of these:
Well look at all these helpful videos, careful, you’re going to get a reputation and have to change your handle to informed, educating patriot…..:)……but then isn’t that what crankyoldgeezers to best?
Really appreciate all the information you’re posting. It’s really good for readers and Vermonters to view, you’ve certainly found some more educational things to view than what’s on the tv tonight….
Appreciate your insights, hopefully others do too.
I have known this stuff for YEARS. Literally. I’ve even posted links several times.
Really hate to be repetitious but seems to be a necessity now.
I’ll be posting a link to another MUST SEE vid by Ms Koire that, if not a cold water in the face wakeup, the reader must be total zombie. It describes in depth the source of this insanity and the PROCESSES through which it’s being carried out. Don’t miss it.
With the property tax, no one owns their property. It’s strictly RENT. The VT tax dept can at any time raise your “rent”. If affordable, it’s confiscated. Generations be damned. There’s much more behind all this that I’ll expound on. Several factors to be understood are all around and the trail of events are being more exposed and the happenings are taking place. It’s a mind blogging event(s) that need to be aired. I’ve done some research and studied history.
The big public education monopoly uses your hard earned tax money to advance union jobs and indoctrinate our young, the union promises votes and campaign cash to the democrats for union friendly rules and regulations. The circle of life in Montpelier.
It goes far beyond unionism. The unions are but a tool in the process of destroying clear thinking in our youth.
Most concerning to me is the number of Marxist mind molders we employ in the schools and halls of Montpelier.
The UN’s objective has desecrated almost since it’s inception. Instead of
being a proponent of world peace it has been a proponent of turning every $hit hole country into a vapid Israel/USA hater group.
If I were president I would kick the terrorist loving UN out of USA Into the hart of Africa. Let them sit in the stew they have created.
The 2 entities I’d most like to see stop sucking my freedom air are the UN and Soros the One world puppet master. (his kids can take a dirt nap as well)
Correct,US out of the UN and UN out of the US.
Thank you Woodrow Wilson but No thank you.
G Soros lives in Westchester County NY with a high wall surrounding the property. Why isn’t he convicted for terrorist activities and the over throw of this country? He’s a killer. He most likely has bought off politicians to remain here. He controls many countries and has financially ruined many Britain for instance).
A lot of the swamp needs draining. MEGA
A lot of the swamp needs hanging because the tree of liberty requires, from time to time, the blood of both patriots and tyrants.
Act 250 was the camels nose under the tent,to the end of Vermonters property rights.
Shurtleff is right on the mark. Also sounds like he’s an Alex Jones/Infowars fan.