This article by Chris Mays originally appeared Aug. 20 in the Brattleboro Reformer.
BRATTLEBORO — Sgt. Penny Witherbee has resigned from the Brattleboro Police Department, almost a month after she alleged in a lawsuit gender discrimination and unwanted sexual advances in the workplace.
“The prospect of continuing to report to work with BPD for the next two weeks continues to subject me to severe anxiety and insomnia,” Witherbee wrote in a letter to Police Chief Michael Fitzgerald on Aug. 9. “I cannot continue to work with Brattleboro Police Department because the department has made my working conditions so intolerable that I am compelled to resign. The ongoing harassment on the basis of my gender has destroyed both my career and my health. It is obvious to me that I do not have any career prospects in the misogynistic culture that exists within BPD.”
Town Manager Peter Elwell said Witherbee’s resignation has been accepted and will become effective Aug. 23. Fitzgerald said the department has no comment other than to confirm the resignation.
Read full article at the Brattleboro Reformer.
(Fair use with written permission from the New England Newspapers Inc.)
Sgt. Penny Witherbee has resigned, stating I cannot continue to work with Brattleboro Police Department because the department has made my working conditions so intolerable.
This is from a Sargent, a command grade and can’t handle her fellow officers. It just as well she resigned. She sounds useless. Maybe she can become a Mall Cop … sounds more fitting.
“that I am compelled to resign. The ongoing harassment on the basis of my gender has destroyed both my career and my health. It is obvious to me that I do not have any career prospects in the misogynistic culture that exists within BPD.”
Coming from the Officer who would harass harang insult arrest & destroy lives of males regularly I assume because of her sexist feminist anti male anti America liberal views.. In case you haven’t heard what goes around comes filing frivilous lawsuits based on personal perceptions is wrong, & if the alleged actions against her fellow colleagues are true she should have arrested them on the spot not take your hatred of them out on men you dealt with in the community.
I got a laugh when I read this. This complaint about THE most useless police department in the state.
It’s not far from being the most useless town..
Lol you forgot heavily taxed useless town filled with regressive liberal socialists who truly don’t appreciate being born in the United States of America & are so anti Vermont & anti US Constitutions that they are only cited when it benefits their disgusting agenda. where’s all this money going and where has it gone over the decades we need our budgets forensically audited line by line & people held accountable for useless pat each other on the back feel good legislation that does nothing but cost money then they move onto taking away more Rights & Freedoms by making a far more over reaching invasive State Govt…