The two frontrunners, former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, will appear on the same stage during the June 27 debate.
By Molly Prince
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is slated to go up in a debate against the only Democratic opponent who has consistently been polling ahead of him, former Vice President Joe Biden.
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced Thursday the 20 presidential candidates invited to participate in the first round of primary debates, and a day later the DNC revealed the breakout of who is scheduled to appear on which of the two debate stages.
The two frontrunners, Biden and Sanders, will appear on the same stage during the June 27 debate. The other Democratic candidates who will be at a podium include Sens. Michael Bennet of Colorado, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Kamala Harris of California; South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg; former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper; California Rep. Eric Swalwell; entrepreneur Andrew Yang and author Marianne Williamson.
In order to score one of the debate podiums, candidates must have either received donations from at least 65,000 unique donors (with a minimum of 200 donors in more than 19 states) or received at least 1% support in three DNC-approved polls. Who gets a spot at which debate was reportedly determined by a random draw of the qualifying candidates.
Biden and Sanders have been polling as the two top contenders for the Democratic nomination since as far back as October 2018 before either candidate announced their candidacy. However, Sanders has yet to edge out a lead over the former vice president.
Sanders unsuccessfully ran a 2016 presidential campaign on the Democratic ticket. Although his run was initially considered a long-shot bid, Sanders won 23 primaries and caucuses. He also won more than 45% of pledged delegates, compared to challenger Hillary Clinton’s 54%.
Biden attempted a presidential run twice before. He ran for the Democratic nomination in 1988, vying to become the youngest president since John F. Kennedy. Although a strong candidate, Biden dropped out of the race after instances of plagiarism and mistruths regarding his academic credentials came to light. He withdrew from the 2008 presidential race after a poor performance at the Iowa caucuses.
While Sanders, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, is portraying himself as the most far-left candidate running, Biden characterizes his campaign as a “return to normalcy” with a more moderate Democratic approach.
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Since the plan is to entertain us with touchy joe and commie bernie, they ought to make it a real show and add lying squaw.
And if Lying Squaw and Heals up Harris end up 1 n 2 they could run as:
SQUAW/SKANK resention (’cause they do resent Us)
I take issue with the article headline of ‘Democratic debates’. They are ‘Democrat Party’ debates and are anything and everything but ‘democratic’.
There won’t be much “debating” going on either. It will be a
who can give away the most free $hit fest. Right now the
burnster is slipping in the clown poll and the lying injun
foxahauntis is numba 2 doo doo…Will the moderator be asking
pedo joe how he’s gonna cure cancer? or any other question harder then
who’s your best buddie joe?
I wish everyone would stop calling these events a ‘debate’. They are merely televised press conferences held simultaneously. They have minimal, if any, value.
All most a 100 years of combined worthlessness in government inactivity
coming together to win over the harts and minds of mindless leftards.
Commie stupid meets dumber then a box of rocks stupid to out
stupid one another. This being the top billing of the demontard field shows
how low the brains factor has sunk on the left, the rest of the field slides down
the scale from these two ijits. Pedo Joe an commie burnee are perfect examples
of who SHOULDN’T EVER be President.
First off Socialist Sanders isn’t a DemocRAT if these two fools are the only ones in the
debate should be pretty boring.
Biden will ” backtrack ” on every issue he ever supported if it doesn’t fit in today’s political
agenda and Sanders will be spewing his same old BS about how good socialism is, even
though he made his money with Capitalism, what a hypocrite.
These two old fools will be ” chum ” when the sharks get on stage against them, it should
be fun to watch. If ” Bernie’s ” hands flailing its pure BS.