By Peter Hasson
2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ campaign is embracing an all-out war with the establishment wing of the Democratic Party.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has put forward a socialistic “Medicare for All” bill and other ideas considered to be far to the left of the Democratic Party. The cost of his “free” health care for Americans plan has been estimated at $32.6 trillion over 10 years.
Democratic donors, concerned by the combination of Sanders’ socialist politics and high fundraising numbers, have held meetings discussing how best to stop him, The New York Times reported Tuesday.
“There’s a growing realization that Sanders could end up winning this thing, or certainly that he stays in so long that he damages the actual winner,” David Brock, a Democratic hatchet man aligned with the Clintons, told the paper.
The campaign capitalized on the conflict by launching an “emergency 48-hour fundraising drive to fight back against the ‘anti-Sanders’ campaign being hatched by the financial elite of this country.”
Wealthy Democrats “hate everything our political revolution embodies,” Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir warned in an email to supporters on Tuesday.
Shakir’s email to supporters took aim at Brock as well, claiming he “smeared Anita Hill” during Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearings, and “led an effort to stop our political revolution four years ago.”
The Sanders campaign is openly feuding with liberal political nonprofit Center for American Progress (CAP) and its president, Clinton ally Neera Tanden.
ThinkProgress, CAP’s media arm, published a video on April 11 attacking Sanders over his millionaire status.
The video shows Sanders railing against “millionaires and billionaires” in the decades prior to his 2016 campaign, before cutting to footage of him attacking “billionaires,” but not millionaires, in the years after the 2016 election.
“Now, thanks to his noteworthy 2016 presidential run and royalties on his books, Sanders’s finance and his rhetoric has been slightly tweaked,” the video’s caption states.
The Sanders campaign responded with an email blast slamming CAP as “the epitome of the political establishment” and “an organization whose massive annual budget is bankrolled by billionaires and corporate executives that profit from finance, pharmaceutical companies, fossil fuels, and sending American jobs overseas.”
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No love for the burnster but he does seem to know what he’s doing compared to hundreds of
entrants in the donkey race. His going on fox when Perez the pedo is blocking all dems
from going on for exposure they won’t get on leftist propaganda channels.
Burnee has a lock on the socialism mime that they all seem to want to run on. They can’t outdo
a old commie. Burnee even spit in his hair so it didn’t look so “balloon brushed” giving him the
appearance of just a normal old geezer.
In the end game it won’t do anything against Pres Trump but it will cause even more disarray in
the demonicrats party then the 2 muzzie terrorists and the commie Chicita Kruschev Ocrazio are
putting them in. Grab the pop corn it’s going to be fun watching it.
I was always told to respect my elders, but here’s one Buffoon that deserves NO respect,
you talk about a political BS artist, that he is !!
Socialist Sanders couldn’t handle ” Cankles Clinton ” how does he expect to stand toe to
toe with the other ” Rabid Socialist DemocRATs ” in a debate ??
Sanders ” Medicare for All ” will be free right after he raises your taxes to pay for it, so keep
working socialist won’t be, there entitled……………
Let the wars begin. I can’t wait to watch..