For Immediate Release
May 1, 2023
Stephanie Brackin, Communications Coordinator, 802-261-0606
Jane Lazorchak, Climate Action Office Director, 802-505-0561
Collin Smythe, Climate Change Data and Progress Analyst, 802-689-0003
Montpelier — The latest Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Forecast Report (1990-2020) has been released today by the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) Climate Action Office (CAO). The report provides estimates of greenhouse gas emissions in various sectors of the Vermont economy.
As in prior years, the largest emitting sectors of GHG emissions in 2020 were transportation, building energy use, and agriculture. Vermont’s GHG emissions declined 10% percent from 2017 to 2020, as shown in Figure 1. The decrease in transportation emissions was responsible for most of this decline and was largely due to the global pandemic and Vermonters staying home. However, it remains to be seen how much of those emission reductions will remain long-term due to policies like telework being more prevalent since the pandemic.
Figure 1: Total and Sector-Based Vermont Greenhouse Gas Emissions (1990 – 2020)
In addition to providing sector-based estimates of greenhouse gas emissions, the GHG inventory is integral to assessing Vermont’s progress toward meeting the emission reduction requirements established in the 2020 Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA): 26% below 2005 levels by 2025, 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, and 80% below 1990 levels by 2050.
Going forward, ANR will establish a specific date to release the GHG inventory each year.
“Releasing the inventory on the same date annually will help build trust with Vermonters,” said Jane Lazorchak, the Director of the CAO. “Establishing clear expectations for when the updated inventory will be available is important since time is needed for the Agency to compile datasets and complete supplemental analyses in order to produce a consistent, high quality data product.”
The CAO will also be creating a public process to review any major changes made to the methodology used to calculate emissions. This is important because changes to how we estimate pollution can affect the level of emissions being reported in different sectors.
Learn more about Climate Action in Vermont.
The wind does not blow, therefore, because you breathe and drive your car to work, it is your fault! You will pay for this catastrophe! I recall the big EPA Clean Air initiative that shut down and thwarted industry in the Steel Belt and all those jobs are now in China, Mexico, and Europe. The wind doesn’t blow from there to here either. All those volcanoes now burping ash high into the atmosphere…that’s your fault too. The big lie is coming to an end. No matter their colorful graphs, well compensated disputable science, vivid imaginations, and hyperbolic fear-mongering, their scam and thievery is being exposed. Judgment is coming upon them.
Funny. They don’t mention air pollution and CO2 release by wood stoves and BTV’s large McNeil wood chip plant. Wonder why. If heating oil get’s more $$$…you will see a big spike in wood burning heat stoves….and few have advanced filters. BTV’s “renewable” wood chip electric plant is a large releaser of pollutants, no matter how much they try to “scrub”.