National Park tourism in Vermont creates $4.7M in economic benefit

This article originally appeared May 28 in the Bennington Banner.

A new National Park Service report shows that 63,886 visitors to national parks in Vermont spent $3.8 million in the state in 2018. That spending resulted in 51 jobs and had a cumulative benefit to the state economy of $4.7 million.

U.S. National Park Service

Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historic Park in Woodstock, Vermont

“The national parks of Vermont attract visitors from across the country and around the world,” Northeast Region Director Gay Vietzke said in a media release. “Whether they are out for an afternoon, a school field trip, or a month-long family vacation, visitors come to have a great experience, and end up spending a little money along the way.

“This new report shows that national park tourism is a significant driver in the national economy — returning $10 for every $1 invested in the National Park Service — and a big factor in our state’s economy as well, a result we can all support,” Vietzke said.

Read full article at the Bennington Banner.

(Fair use with written permission from the New England Newspapers Inc.)

Image courtesy of U.S. National Park Service

2 thoughts on “National Park tourism in Vermont creates $4.7M in economic benefit

  1. Great, just think what that number could be if Vermont was Tourist friendly, by that I mean
    better roads, lower gas prices and a better rates on rooms& meals. They may come but
    they won’t return……….

    But that’s not in the game plan from Regressive DemocRATs, tax and spend on foolish and
    useless projects……………..

    Wake up people, we deserve better from Montpelier

    • Yeah, I did the golf clap when I read “51 jobs”. I’m thinking being friendlier to industry would maybe create more jobs than this example. Let’s not forget those parks don’t generate much of anything during our very long winters…..

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