Letter: Why I am voting for Joe Gervais

Editor’s note: This letter is by Lenny Davis, a resident of Arlington.

I don’t consider myself a political person, but recent events have motivated me to vote. I have known Joe Gervais for many years now. He’s an honest, kind-hearted, humble man that has dedicated his life to service. Anyone who knows Joe, knows his word is good — if he says something, he means it. If Joe wasn’t running, I likely wouldn’t vote as I have little faith in either political party at this point.

Joe Gervais

Joe, a long-time Vermonter, has highlighted how Vermont government no longer represents “We The People.” He sees how government has become hyper-focused on pushing radical policies that increase taxes and spending, diminish our God given rights, and create division.

If you’re unhappy with the current trajectory of our great state and country, Joe Gervais should be your vote. I have no doubt that Joe will work to ensure that the recent reckless, unsustainable spending ends, and that our true rural Vermont values are brought to the forefront in Montpelier. (Those values are fiscal responsibility, less regulation, less government interference, safe communities, law and order, religious freedom, etc.).

As a former military officer and business leader, Joe will bring strength and common-sense practical leadership to the Vermont House of Representatives.

Joe Gervais is a man destined to restore our God-given rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Lenny Davis
Arlington, Vermont

Image courtesy of Public domain

One thought on “Letter: Why I am voting for Joe Gervais

  1. Lenny, I’m sorry to disappoint you… but this man, alone will mean nothing to the present situation of our country or state. Our state and country are so deep in corruption that any one individual cannot correct our problems. There needs to be a total purge of the present cadre and I’m not so sure that is possible at this point. If we look back in history I believe we could find the answer but that discovery would be too much for present-day society to except. We need to pray to God for the correct solution.

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