‘It’s News to Us’ — Host Steve Merrill discusses getting banned from the governor’s press conferences, and more

In the Feb. 10 episode of “It’s News to Us,” host Steve Merrill gives his views on political and social issues of the day. He also discusses being banned by the governor’s office from asking questions at the governor’s biweekly press conference.

Image courtesy of NEK-TV

2 thoughts on “‘It’s News to Us’ — Host Steve Merrill discusses getting banned from the governor’s press conferences, and more

  1. Pesky reporters……they only want state run media. Have to tow the line or thy shall be cast out, we are a subverted state, a colony of the United Nations….they have all but to formally declare such.

    We are but serfs.

    • I wonder if you could attend under a different organization? We have a press organization that would love to get rolling, Citizen Reports. Would be happy to have you aboard.

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