Deb Billado: Republican governors are moving America forward

Editor’s note: This commentary is by Deb Billado, chairwoman of the Vermont GOP. 

What do the three states with the highest COVID-19 cases per capita over the last week have in common? None of them are governed by Republicans.

What do the three states with the lowest unemployment rates have in common? None of them are governed by Democrats. The same can be said about the states with the fastest GDP growth, and almost all the states with the highest in-bound migration in 2020.

Deborah Billado, chair of the Vermont GOP

And here’s another overlooked fact: four out of the five states with the lowest incidence of mental illness, depression, and anxiety in 2020 were governed by Republicans.

The facts are clear. Republican governors are charting a course for reopening our states, showing leadership on combating COVID-19, and fighting for the livelihoods of our working families and small businesses.

In contrast, Democratic governors are pushing for more lock-downs, more bailouts, more closures, and more restrictions on your freedom. We saw it right here in Vermont when liberals freaked out over Governor Scott’s proposed reopening of the economy. They’d like it to stay shut for as long as possible.

In fact, Vermont has the fourth lowest unemployment rate in the nation; the second lowest COVID-19 percent positive rate over the last week; and both the second lowest COVID-19 case and death rate since this crisis began. It wasn’t Democratic legislators that delivered — it was a Republican governor. Just like how Republican governors are leading all across the nation.

Like many Vermonters, I look forward to the day where we can return to normal. It’s exciting to already see the villages and downtowns bustling with activity again. When this is over, remember which party engaged in excessive fear mongering, extended shutdowns, and massive intrusions into personal liberty, all while making sure they and their friends were able to go on vacation in violation of their own edicts — because the rules didn’t apply to them. Then, remember which party led you through the crisis with hope, optimism, and wise policy choices.

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons/DonkeyHotey

12 thoughts on “Deb Billado: Republican governors are moving America forward

  1. Correction.

    Well that’s nice Deb. There is no United States of America any longer. Being a U.S. citizen does not make you an American. Americans were a unique culture. This nation is now a multicultural construct. Instead of our American motto, “E Pluribus Unum”, out of many cultures one culture. we have “E Pluribus Pluribus”, out of many cultures many cultures. Instead of unity of purpose you have diversity of purpose, which is fatal to self governance and freedom. Now you have what I coined twenty five years ago as “Multicultural Mayhem”! Chaos! Of course, we always wanted to be multiracial and multiethnic but not Multicultural! If you came to America your allegiance was expected to be to America. The next step I see coming is becoming a Communist nation. That is the only viable Governmental construct capable of keeping the peace in a Multicultural nation. Tyranny is the only effective means of control. This is why Communist must outlaw religions as they are the congenial cultural bases. Why do you think the left started to promote the concept of Multiculturalism to American Society so long ago. Nobody saw this coming? Nobody spoke out? Turn out the lights babe!

  2. Interesting title, except Gov Scott isn’t to be included. Also noted now that a few years have gone by when the Flatlander Liberals found VT via I-91 with signs to “Take Vermont Forward:. Well they have taken VT so far “forward” that the state has gone backwards. Not to confuse “Take Vermont Back”, an opposing slogan by native Vermonters to counter the Flatlanders.

    Thanks Gov Hoff (from MA) for opening I-91 & I-89 exposing VT to the creeping crud. Should have put toll gates to keep Vermont financially viable and keep property taxes at a sustainable level. Other NE states have done it. Viable Vermonters could have an EZ Pass (at no charge) to go thru the tolls.

    • Tom,

      It isn’t altitude that make you an patriot. It’s attitude! Vermont’s problems weren’t caused by people who moved here to get out of Socialists sh-t holes. They were brought about by Bernie Sanders moving a good chunk of The United States Communist Party from their National headquarters in Brooklyn N.Y, too Burlington V.T. were he sensed it would be easy pickings to establish a state wide Communist government because Vermonter’s used to be very independent people who really didn’t get much involved in government goings on.
      Old Bernie is really crafty Commie, got to hand it to him!

  3. Well that’s nice Deb. There is no United States of America any longer. Being a U.S. citizen does not make you an American. Americans were a unique culture. This nation is now a multicultural construct. Instead of our American moto, “E Pluribus Unum”, out of many cultures one culture. we have “E Pluribus Pluribus”, out of many cultures many cultures. Now you have what I coined twenty five years ago as “Multicultural Mayhem”! Chaos! Of course, we always wanted to be multiracial and multiethnic but not Multicultural! If you came to America your allegiance was expected to be to America. The next step I see coming is becoming a Communist nation. That is the only viable Governmental construct capable of keeping the peace in a Multicultural nation. Tyranny is the only effective means of control. This is why Communist must outlaw religions as they are the congenial cultural bases. Why do you think the left started to promote that concept of Multiculturalism to American Society so long ago. Nobody saw this coming? Nobody spoke out? Turn out the lights babe!

  4. Wonderful and positive message. I don’t even seem to get that from my church these days and I live in Texas. I can go to a restaurant without a mask but I can’t enter the church without one. I have to make reservations for social distancing purposes and sign a contact sheet. But that’s really not surprising because my religion is run by Progressives who most likely are themselves Democrats. They’re waiting for the CDC to give the “all clear” before they allow full reopening. My son and his family go to a church that is conservative and they are fully open, masks optional and they hug and shake hands. They’ve been doing this for months with no COVID among them. Happy people are healthy people. Republican run states have for the most part kept their people as content as possible and it shows.

  5. Inspiring message of hope – one can only dream following the wreckage of Chancellor Scotts hard-line unessesary initiatives which have set the State of VT back possibly 10 years. Tho understanding the support for Republican leaders no matter how flawed I am not so inclined.

  6. Pls identify and refute the *unreality* of so-called “cherry-picked” info – and also supply the missing info sir – inability would render comments as complete unadulterated bs.
    At present have been completely unable to do so. TNR is not a good place to hone ones bs-artist skills. As a party member find continued attacks deeply offensive and oh-so telling sir. May I suggest you join fellow globalists in the DemocratMarxist Party as there seems to be no difference in world-view or belief system

  7. Thanks for this Deb and TNR for hosting VT GOP newsletter – keep conservative voices comin’ ppls 😀

  8. Only one reality…You really love to Cherry Pick information without telling the whole story Deb, as usual. And, if you want to dispute this, think on the opening of Republican States where the Covid infections and deaths soared….

    • Get your facts straight dear Gary, YOU ARE completely WRONG on increased deaths in the states that are open. NOT HAPPENING! The Governors specifically decided to open because the Deaths and hospitalizations were decreasing. Cases does not equal death or even symptoms. The graphs that you are looking for are here on “” watch all of them a really find out the truth. Please crawl back into your basement and watch the High Wire and stop bothering the us, the people who know we are going to be ok. The people who know that opening businesses and who take off the face suffocator to breath fresh air and understand that our bodies know how to combat infections and survive and thrive. Look up DR Ryan Cole from IDAHO . His video is on Bitchute he will enlighten you about Vitamin D. There are other treatments and other health avenues to take, that smart people like me, who study health and science and take responsibility for my own health (rather than having OUR government pose as our mother and our doctor).

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