Average age of death from COVID-19 about same as normal life expectancy

The average age of Americans who die from COVID-19 is approximately the same as the general life expectancy for the entire U.S. population, according to health data gathered from various sources.

The National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) — an intergovernmental system managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — reports that Americans have a life expectancy of 78.7 years old.

Based on various reports of health department data, COVID-19 appears to be most lethal for Americans at or near that same age.

In Massachusetts, for example, victims who have died from COVID have been 80 years old on average, according to state health department data released Friday.

Data across other New England states shows a consistent pattern. The average age for COVID deaths in Maine is 79, while Vermonters who fall victim to the virus are 77 years old, on average.

Wikimedia Commons/Reza Luke

HEALTH DATA: On average, when Americans die from COVID-19, they die at approximately the same age as those who die from all causes in the general population.

The state of Connecticut’s health department provided TNR with a chart that breaks down COVID mortality across various age brackets. Highlights include that 3,794 of the state’s 4,656 COVID deaths, or 81 percent, were over the age of 70. About 60 percent of COVID deaths occurred in victims who were over 80.

A similar data chart for Rhode Island reveals that 59 percent of that state’s COVID-19 deaths are over age 80.

To the southern part of the nation, in Florida, the average age of death is 76 years old for victims of COVID. And according to U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, the average age for COVID deaths nationwide is 80.

The virus death statistic appears to hold true for other countries as well. For example, in Scotland, the average age of COVID deaths is 79. while victims in England and Wales average 82.4 years.

Norbert Michel, director of Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis, told True North that the spread of the coronavirus in nursing homes may be part of the reason why the average age of those who die from COVID is aligned with general life expectancy in the U.S.

“New York and a number of other states’ early decision to require nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals may have also driven up infections among those most susceptible to a COVID-19-related death,” he said in an email. “The effect of that policy is difficult to assess, since in many cases they did not classify the deaths of nursing home residents who died in hospitals as nursing home deaths. However they were classified, it appears that nursing home deaths account for a substantial share of COVID-19 mortality.”

Another possible reason for the high average may have something to do with underlying conditions. In late August, the CDC revealed that only 6% of COVID deaths can attributed to the coronavirus alone, while the other 94% involved multiple extra health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and COPD — conditions that are far more common and deadly in old age.

In Vermont, an examination of the death certificate data of the first 58 Vermonters to pass away from the virus shows that victims, on average, had more than two underlying medical conditions such as Alzheimer’s, heart conditions, obesity, and more.

Despite data showing that the coronavirus is deadliest for elderly populations, Gov. Phil Scott on Friday banned all multi-household gatherings, including holiday celebrations such as Thanksgiving. In addition, the governor issued a mandate to close bars and social clubs and restricted restaurant hours to a 10 p.m. closing time.

Michael Bielawski is a reporter for True North. Send him news tips at bielawski82@yahoo.com and follow him on Twitter @TrueNorthMikeB.

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons/Reza Luke

7 thoughts on “Average age of death from COVID-19 about same as normal life expectancy

  1. Why didn’t Scott say this before 11/3 a mere 10 days earlier? This is pure deception.

    “Governor Phil Scott walked dangerously down an authoritarian plank during his press conference on Friday, Nov. 13. Looking a bit like a stern father, he made the following proclamation: “Multi-household gatherings, both inside and out, whether in public or private spaces, are prohibited.”
    A more detailed release from the governor’s website offers the following draconian clamp-down: “Attendance at all public and private social gatherings, indoor and outdoor, including social gatherings incidental to ceremonies, holiday gatherings, parties and celebrations, shall be limited to participation with only members of a single household. Individuals who live alone may gather with members of their immediate family residing in a different household.”

  2. Continuing:
    Summarizing real numbers: Comparing 1918 to 2020, the 1918 death percentage to the then population is 0.5% (515,000). In 2020 thus far it’s 0.08% (266,000), February to November, average 10 months being 26,600 per month from a population of 331,648,064. Projecting the population growth between 1918 and 2020 that’s an increase of 2.22% (228,648,064). Applying 2.22% to the 515,000 deaths would in 2020 terms become 1,143,300 deaths. Compare this to the 266,000 that have died in 2020 in the US.

    Another comparison, in Brattleboro one weekend, 9 people died form Opioid overdose. In Vermont, drug overdose deaths involving Opioid totaled 127 in 2018 (a rate of 22.8) and have remained steady since 2016. Actual Opioid deaths is higher than 59 virus deaths.

    • Tom, great points and facts! To further show that the true nature of Scott’s mandates are not “public health” and the “common good” the reality is that of the 59 “Covid” deaths in VT, none of the decedents died solely of the corona virus. Every single one of them, to quote the VDH’s own website, “had multiple and significant co-morbidities.” To be generous, we should use the CDC’s estimate that only 6% of the deaths attributed to the China Flu were actually due to the China Flu, so for the USA, the true number to compare the Spanish Flu to the China Flu would be (266,000 x .06) = 15,960 compared to the 515,000 Spanish Flu deaths (in 2020 terms). Which shows that China Flu’s lethality is only 3% that of the Spanish Flu.

      As for the opioid deaths, how many of them had “multiple and significant co-morbidities?” I’m guessing next to zero. So in terms of real magnitude, the opioid deaths are over 100 times more significant than the Covid deaths. Yet we are locking down our economy, placing families under house arrest, and turning neighbor against neighbor. Scary times indeed.

      It just shows how disingenuous and diabolical Mr. Scott is.

      • Oops, my mistake on the math. To compare the 2020 numbers I should’ve used the 1,143,300 deaths instead of the 515,000, so the math would be 15,960/1,143,300 = 1.4%. So, China Flu is only 0.0139 times as lethal as the Spanish Flu was. Or stated another way, you would be 71.6 times more likely to die of the Spanish Flu as compared to the China Flu.

        The math correction doesn’t change the conclusion, it just reinforces it.

  3. 1918 Spanish Flu v Today

    In 1918 the Spanish Flu affected 500 million people caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus. . Killed between 17 million and 50 million people and possibly as high as 100 million in the world. There were 4 waves of the Flu.

    The estimated population of the United States on 1 July 1918 was some 103 million (Linder and Grove 1943), so approximately 0.5 percent (515,000) of the US population died as a result of the epidemic. Worldwide, the death toll is generally put at 20 million.

    In the US with a population of is 331,648,064 as of Saturday, October 31, 2020. This is an increase of 228, 648, 064 people. The number of deaths 11/17/2020 is projected up to 266,000 by November 28. This is 0.080% of the total population. Projected and actual numbers are different.

    Summarizing real numbers: Comparing 1918 to 2020, the 1918 death percentage to the then population is 0.5% (515,000). In 2020 thus far it’s 0.08% (266,000), February to November, average 10 months being 26,600 per month from a population of 331,648,064.

    The media and politicians dictate and control the actual news. Thankfully, in 1918 NY Gov Cuomo didn’t exist shoving sick people in nursing homes causing the 2020 38,000 deaths and taking credit for controlling the virus Then writes a book about his success and doesn’t want the vaccine in his state-he doesn’t trust Trump.

    Note, most of the deaths occur in populated liberal cities. Yet governors such as VT’s Scott is a dictator “no outside or inside gatherings”. SD governor has common sense, no closings. Such people as Scott doesn’t acknowledge the Constitution, he’s not saving lives. Who are his dictators, money?

    Panels of doctors said three things are important: 1) Maintain distance, 2) wash hands, 3) don’t touch the face.

    More about (The Nazi) Gov Scott, quoting:
    Governor Phil Scott walked dangerously down an authoritarian plank during his press conference on Friday, Nov. 13. Looking a bit like a stern father, he made the following proclamation: “Multi-household gatherings, both inside and out, whether in public or private spaces, are prohibited.”
    A more detailed release from the governor’s website offers the following draconian clamp-down: “Attendance at all public and private social gatherings, indoor and outdoor, including social gatherings incidental to ceremonies, holiday gatherings, parties and celebrations, shall be limited to participation with only members of a single household. Individuals who live alone may gather with members of their immediate family residing in a different household.” http://www.truenorthreports.com/todd-fillmore-give-me-liberty-or-give-me-covid


  4. Phil Scott is a quisling for the Marxist Communist progressives. He is attacking Vermont and the very traditions that made America great such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. He is trampling on our 1st Amendment right to peaceably assemble. He must be ignored and rebuked at every stop. His policies are unconstitutional and harmful to Vermonters and to the economy and well-being of Vermont. Lockdowns do more damage than good. Cases are NOT increasing, quite the contrary, they are decreasing as a percentage of tests administered. The reason that positive test results are increasing is due to a stratospheric increase in the insane amount of testing while at the same time the amplitude of sensitivity of the tests have increased, so what previously would’ve been undetectable is now detected and deemed a “case” even though the person is not seeking treatment or is even symptomatic.

    The fear being ginned up by Suicide Scott has led to the public, media, and government alike to have adopted a zero-tolerance policy on COVID deaths, or even “cases.” The scare quotes are necessary because what you hear called “cases” are largely not. They are mostly merely infections, the majority of which are past, mild, asymptomatic, and false—i.e., not real. There are also many repeats on the same individuals reported as “new.” A case is an individual seeking and requiring treatment, which most people infected with this bug do not.
    We will never reach zero COVID deaths. We have never reached zero flu and pneumonia deaths. And never will. We have had a flu vaccine for half a century, but deaths have not ceased. Phil Scott accuses those of us who refuse to be subjugated and forced into compliance as not being patriotic, he is ratcheting up his rhetoric to drive division between Vermonters, to remove personal responsibility from each of us and to force us into a collective “good” which is specious at best, and diabolical at worst. There is no medical reason for masks and lockdowns, they are all about control. We must pray for end to this madness.

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